keep on rollin' is what I want!
mostly going to try and keep our conversations going
but I'd be interested to see him with Saga
I saw six replies and I was like WOW. they're from two people but two very nice and enthusiastic people
Sarah obviously we're in Riddle Land right now but you know. More Soon
Danii I will look at your tdl and determine how I can make a silly little starter for saga. I'm trying to remember if SHE'S music or if that's just her VIP
Hanna and Walter just vibin'. He's not paranoid, he's just like man, this fae trap kind of sucks, right dude?
Okay it's come to my attention Saga post is TDL'd for approximately today so when it's up! Silly little starter!
Malcolm now thinks that instead of a fun game Walter made up, the riddles are in fact just a way to mock him without doing it outright so he stopped working on it 😆
Saga's grandfather is a rock star!
I mean, they are neither of those things to be fair. They are a Test
Or from a certain perspective you could say "both" perhaps
when he thought it was a game he thought it was fun!
while he thinks it's open mockery he won't play it.
Then why did he try to get Walter to just tell him the answer!!
he did tell Walter that he's used to people doing something that seems nice but turns out is actually mean as a form of bullying!
at the beginning before he knew it was a game! and then he tried guessing, which was really fun before the crushing realization that it was just a practical joke at his expense.
he's not even convinced there is actually a note at this point.
Yeah Walter is sitting here like
Well I keep holding Malcolm's feet to the fire about making LITERALLY ANY effort to predict other people's actions so I guess at this point I likewise shouldn't be surprised that his reaction to a challenge is to shut down and feel bullied
his reaction to a malicious practical joke, in point of fact...
Aren't you so glad you have a nonviolent inmate, Malcolm 😁
he is actually but he liked it more when Walter liked him
Danii I think you'll love something I came up with for monster label thread lol
But yeah it's like
Wednesday: hint
Next priority: silver welfare check
After that: I will see what I can do for Walter to circle back but no promises
he may peek if there's a clue...... >.>
I am not sure I can do OOC hint Wednesday as planned BUT I have come up with a justification for IC hint Thursday
Walter: it's Thursday my silly little warden it's time for your hint. It is very carefully timed
Malcolm: we have news today
Walter: oh
(will is graduating. We'll see if it is announced that soon or not)
BBitsaboi: I have so many funny thoughts about Hanna and Walter actually. It might be possible for Walter to proxy some of his sketchier ideas through Hanna
He’ll listen if Walter actually gasp reaches out to him!