Let's talk about my boy drama So a bunch of months ago a dude broke up with me, let's say Derek, because of communication errors, but the friend of that dude, bob, sent me screenshots of their conversation on breaking up with me and Bob had told him to break up with me continued in comments
So that means that Derek lied to me and Bob was helping? Turns out he was only doing that and showing me that stuff so that I would hate Derek and Bob could confess to me and I would say yes. But I didn't like Bob so I said no
So it's been months since that happened and recently Derek sent me a text just complimenting me about me being charismatic or something which is cool and all but I don't exactly like him so I was just being a dry ass texter
So he mentions that he broke up with me because of a dare. FIRST OF ALL, boy why would you do me like that, SEDOND OF ALL, that's a lie because I saw the screenshots of you and Bob, THIRD OF ALL, what are you trying to get at here
So I said some stuff about our relationship and then he asked if we could try again, I said no because wth it was 1 am but I said that we could be friends and go from there. He agreed and just complimented my smile and some other crap