aka "August commentary hopefully the last one this time post-me coming home from my IRL adventure, pre-player plot event, post Walter's breakup with Malcolm, post archive binge, WE ARE IN ACT 2 OUT OF 3 OF HIS STORY LET'S GO"
and then I will put in to-do list of the tasks I have immediately post-breakup and then the few semi-unrelated things immediately before and after it that are my highest priorities
* Florian shield reply
* inbox Rosita and reply to JD
* inbox Archer
I expect all of this to be hilarious ty
0. Pyotr pre-party thread
1. is Sebastian still alive
2. Collins content
3. John Silver welfare check
HMD edited into subject line! great now I can... do errand and lunch only after that, nyoro
also Walter can break up with Malcolm but Malcolm is still paying attention. until he goes on vacation and leaves you in Neal's care but he swears he's not rubbing your face in the fact that he can leave or would if they're talking by then
NOTING THIS tho Imma bout to watch some TV
alright as you'll see on
my tracker August section I did all those "next tasks"
magicom: just so you know the riddle is kinda hard but I believe in him. I will say that "scavenger hunt" is kinda hard to do in DWRP since we don't have nitty gritty environment details to work with, so I hope we can be flexible haha
I imagine Malcolm is probably going to say "X isn't literally the same as this" and Walter's like well maybe that's the moral bucko. But yes. I have faith
Archer does not know what to make of this convo starter but he’s just rolling with it lmfao
Malcolm is going to go from too literal to too metaphorical
He’s a nightmare of accidental annoyingness.
If Malcolm looks on his warden item like an hour after the hang up, where is Walter?
He's not going to GO there and harass him he'd just check where he went, seeing as he was short on time.
Which is an odd thing to say when you're stuck in the same place.
All will be clear when he sees the letter. Well. Maybe not.
XD Clear as mud like the riddle?
He's just happy Walter contacted him instead of... NOT contacting him.
Next OOC Hint is coming on Wednesday
If it's not solved by Wednesday then it really is too hard but I want to let people have the riddle experience if they like it lol
dude Malcolm warned you that Rosita is difficult. look at her not giving you the satisfaction XD
she is equal opportunity suspicious and fuck u 😆
Walter like God I hate it here u can't even throw someone under the bus properly!!!
Walter does think Rosita's reactions to this are very rational and reasonable he's just like Desperate
Walter here is an idea: try being reasonable and rational?
Taken at first order that means gibbering about how extremely terrible this place is and getting locked up. Taken at second order that means Repressing Your Emotions and apparently people notice when you do that
Thank you for posting this because I will add it soon because I needed it for "aren't you glad you have a nonviolent inmate"
Astarion postanstaarWalter: I think the world isn't ready for magic because they weren't even ready for Misty Quigley
Erskine: oho???
Walter we love u, u little weasel.
erskine isn't responding because he likes to be careful in describing his world, but he does enjoy reading others and he is amused at walter's
Yeah. Just wanted to give you the chuckle
he still thinks there absolutely could be magic on every 'mundane' Earth
note: this is not the actual hint it is just a starter leading up to it
threads I wanna read later
If you go back a little in that thread you can also see Cain being super cute over Abel's cat.
Oh okay I finally understand that one thing in Astarion's post. #5 is "the world under threat", #6 is about relevant part of the world (city, etc), #8 is about whether THAT part is under thread
yeah it took me two shots to parse that as well, haha
like, generally john and arthur's world is under the constant threat of cultists doing it right and summoning a god, but specifically that's not really an immediate problem, it's just like. pollution. it exists
magicom: it is almost happening so we are now in "please be flexible" land, it can be something that was out there for some other reason that Malcolm didn't actually use. If necessary. Lol
magicom: ok so
some of these have a description of "fliers" or "word of mouth" instead of a poster. But by default it's poster. Is this reasonable
Just so many posters >.> ok wait
he like wait what MY poster
maybe it's rare that anyone sticks around for coffee chat, Walter
ok I was having dinner and I'm on desktop now
god willing I will get to paste out the note tonight
it's been about 100 comments of this. Sarah you are a saint
Oh man, Walter is a hot cocoa guy. That's Hanna's go to for cheering people up. Some time he'll have to bring the guy a cup.
Yes!! And what's more unlike many of my other silly little details, this is straight up canon! Though preferring over others not totally confirmed
Always the best. Especially when its silly little details
Sitting here sadly. Malcolm I'm sorry my boy has left you still sad. Does Walter feel bad, I might have to sleep on that haha
He will have time to figure it out even if he’s not right now!
YEP sorry bud but he HAS graduated two inmates and helped grad two more
might be a method to his madness
This would be a much more effective argument in theory but at this point Walter's view of graduation has gone from "a little weird and especially harsh in Misty's case but seemingly net positive" to "meaningless" to "actively bad"
That said Walter might at least open up about his views somewhat because Malcolm is putting him down as having "shitty bad faith assumptions" for much milder views like "why not filter a post to a small group instead of mock people who wanted more info",
"it's natural for certain people to be distrustful of wardens as a group", and "poking a vampire in the eye is worth trying"
Or * not worth YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN...
Like if he's being treated very nearly the same as saying "all wardens are bad" then maybe he really will just say it lmao
Walter is also going to have to live with people finding out about the riddle which is going to be very embarrassing "I stopped talking to my warden" "like totally?" "Well I left him a note" "what kind of note" "uhhhhh"
Maybe player plot will force them together
Malcolm maintains he wasn’t mocking anybody but he was using discretion in disseminating sensitive information. He’d think Walter would appreciate that, actually, but he would love it if he stopped dancing and just Said Stuff.
Please DO just say exactly what you think!
He met an inmate on like his second day that didn’t want to graduate. It doesn’t make you edgy, sir XD
Or else blow more shit up. Who knows what this road looks like!
if player plot is anything on the spectrum of truth serum Walter really is so screwed (INTO COMMUNICATION AND CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT HOPEFULLY) but the title does not give that vibe
but if nothing else it will have to come around eventually, though at this point he is so primed to be bitter that such an occurrence may just make him even more bitter lmao
Walter is just a little guy who needs to do this the hard way and take the long way around!
Walter staring down at this phone. Malcolm are you about to go to dinner or not!!
He’s about time go COOK dinner. Yeah! Cook it! Himself! With a lot of help from Neal. Like. Neal will just... let him know what to stir.
Will you are so brainwashed
Some people appreciate getting to live a new life with their soulmate, Walter!
I mean, Hannibal literally tried to brainwash him, so
Hannibal at the very least gaslit him aggressively
thank you to everyone in terms of like. there were a lot of my tags in my inbox that I delayed for a long time because they require "too much brain" and I finally started them again tonight
some ppl are even replying right away and that is so nice
this gave me a chuckle. Walter's comrade in brain problems
Erskine is like, "there are a lot of serial killers among sorcerers (this means nothing), but you don't have to make your 'think' so weird". not mentioning the high percentage of the serial killers
Haha, happy to entertain. Sebastian's awful inner monologue is fun to write.
BG3 spoilers? but this is very Barge not just because Astarion is literally there