well I failed at avoiding the work/sleep cycle this past week. but it's the weekend, and since I was up bright and early I've already run my errand while it was merely cool and sticky, so here's hoping for a productive Saturday
latest #40
* as productive as heat/humidity allows
* and after I migrate my desk and computer setup to the other room and get the new pc set up
since I failed at just taking a nap last night to refresh my brain
although I clearly had RP on the brain because when I kept waking up to set the alarm for another few hours whatever snippet of a dream that I was clinging to would have random characters that I don't play lol
though I'll take that over the dreams of family in the hospital (earlier in the week) or ex-best friend (also earlier in the week)
breakfast now. computer migration soon. undoubtedly cooling off after
wit náterash
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
currently migrating my Skyrim mod stuff to an external which is apparently going to take a hot minute lol (my own fault for forgetting it was on a partition and not one of my externals) and then I can finally move the main stuff
and hope that I don't decide to do this all over again in a few months bc it's a pain to move this desk by myself
but I did have the brilliant idea this morning to look for a white noise machine when I was at Target, so I'm hoping that solves most of my noise issues in the den
I have a couple pairs of decent headphones but it's annoying to always need to wear them
back when the basement mostly flooded and there were fans going in the den for months, I remembered the fan by the stairs pretty much drowned out almost everything from upstairs. and the dehumidifier that's kinda by my work desk does a decent job lessening how bothersome the upstairs noise is
so I'm hopeful for the white noise machine making a difference
I've had one in my bedroom for ages because their bedroom TV is almost right above my bed and the drunk will crank the TV up without any care for anyone else, which is super great to try and sleep. though thankfully it's not as bad as it used to be. at one point I seriously considered buy soundproofing panels to put on my ceiling
/is just rambling because files are taking forever to transfer
workstation deconstructed and desk moved
would very much like to stop and order lunch but alas
now the fun part of rearranging and hooking stuff up once I get the new tower out. and installing the graphics card
really hope I can find words for tags this evening and that all this isn't completely draining my energy for the day
it also hit me that this desk is almost as old as I am lol. pretty sure I was no more than 7 or 8 when my grandma got it. might've been 6 even. I don't remember exactly when my uncle gave her the Apple IIe he had for me to use (but it had to be at her place) because they got a newer computer. keep in mind this was the late 80s/early 90s
(he and his wife were both professors at the university and made bank and acted like they were better than the rest of us)
it's a relatively simple wooden desk but it's damn sturdy. made it through... 5 moves? a little scratched up on the sides because it left my possession for a year or so, but I could probably polish them away
I know it's the sort of thing not important to anyone else but despite using this desk most of my life it never hit me it's 30+ years old
wit náterash
1 months ago
that's pretty cool though, good furniture lasting that long
I love that I bought a computer toolkit years ago and of course now that I need it I can't find it. thankfully I know right where my normal toolkit is but ugh
had to move more furniture than I expected because of how big this tower is and I'm at the exhausted, sweaty, hungry phase
... omg I need food. I spent 10 min trying to locate where to open the case and the panel just pops off
why does a relatively recent graphics card only have one (1) hdmi port
and I knowwwwww I have a converter thing somewhere but apparently it's in the same black hole my computer toolkit went to
totally wanted to run to best buy when I'm dusty and sweaty
and there's all kinds of irony that I've got a jillion cords and adapters for everything older than displayport
I still need to get rid of this trashfire called win11 but everything is finally connected and running and I can relax a bit
I might put up with win11 just for a couple hours because idk if I have the patience to deal with the damn iso download dying at the end again
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