☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
flood on the flooraugust chats, somehow
latest #307
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
where did july go. god only knows. good riddance though
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
work continues to crush me both physically and emotionally, my new birth control is causing me to have another period already, and someone in my primary social circle is being a real asshole about one of our campaigns which is making me not want to play with them in other campaigns
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so i am...quite tired LOL
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
also passed up an art exchange that most of us are doing instead of sketch jam art fight this year bc i still owe pieces from exchanges that happened while i was uprooting and adjusting my entire life and i have felt too bad to join more exchanges since then. but i am pretty bummed since i was looking forward to art fight
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and i am one of the few people not participating in this summer exchange instead
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
been trying to moderate my level of bummed to a reasonable amount but my hormones/mood swings are fucking crazy again which is making it challenging
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
anyway. just booked a haircut for tuesday bc my hair is driving me nuts especially with it being so hot and humid lately
ghost lecturer
2 months ago
really inconsiderate of august to already be this shitty
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
ghost lecturer
2 months ago
HAIRCUT THOUGH the freeing power of less hair
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i was in an absolute hell aisle tonight too (cereal, in my top 3 least favorite aisles for sure) after spending the whole day sick from my period
ghost lecturer
2 months ago
oh noooo
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i've been very headache-prone lately and while i do not think my hair is the primary cause, i definitely think the excess amount of it rn isn't helping so i will be glad to be rid of a bunch of it
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
oh also there was a pipe dripping into my aisle and onto everything in my aisle all night. i told my manager bc i thought it was leaking since it was only dripping from the joints and she said it's been doing that for years bc it just sweats a lot when it's this hot
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so i may be utilizing the company-wide feedback form about that because come on man. we make enough money. fix the pipe
ghost lecturer
2 months ago
I'm sorry august is misbehaving. I believe in u tho
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
yeah like even if it's not coming from INSIDE the pipe that is still not clean water bc I know they aren't up there cleaning the exteriors of the pipes very often
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and do you think a customer is gonna care about the difference if random ceiling water drips on them while they're just trying to get groceries ☠️ THEY WILL NOT, STORE MANAGEMENT,
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
anyway ty. I've had another disproportionate irritation added to my plate today but it's whatever
blasts an airhorn at it until it leaves
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
god I wish I could
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
had to have a long candid conversation and I'm so tired
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
can I just have... one day
:c i'm sorry dude
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i slept about 11 hours yesterday almost uninterrupted fuckin EEPY
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and ofc now i've been awake way too long but lord i really want to get some RP-related stuff done before i go back to sleep
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
posted to the CR meme for but i have to get up for work in less than 6 hours so i think . i need to sleep now... cry
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
tomorrow i FINALLY have a day off so i will try to hit people up on the meme and catch up on tags then...
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
slow night at work and yet I still managed to end up in my absolute least favorite aisle because someone called out 5am cannot come fast enough
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
I was wondering if I could delay laundry until later in the week but. nah I'm about to be covered in sugar and flour. hate that for me
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
had a very rough existential crisis kind of night after a sort of thoughtless comment sent me spiralling about my artistic abilities frustrating after I had a relatively nice day
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
but. my partner came over and we had a little gas station snacky picnic while sitting in the car and watching b99 for a few hours so I am feeling much less spiral-shaped
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
still. whew. very tired
oof I'm sorry dude... that picnic sounds like such good serotonin though, your partner is a genius
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
it was an amazing idea and they are a genius and i love them very much it made me feel much better
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
me before showering: i'm so energized i'm gonna tag until d&d
me after showering and having a snack:
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so eepy...
it's such a trap that meeting your physical needs sometimes reminds you of another physical need :/
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
deeply unfair tbh. and why do physical needs make you so sleepy. i should be more energetic after feeding and cleaning myself, not less!!!
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/6n8Gkx0NdhogEd0O3AJWNH.png d&d is going very well tonight
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5ov2YaSDqZi8akWtkdVbMs.png dndbeyond does this automatically when you fail 3 death saving throws! i never knew
what a good fucking name
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
oh shit yeah i don't talk much about pandora here huh
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
pandora peppertree is my fairy arcane trickster rogue/artificer for a different magical school campaign than the one kalmiya is in. pandora peppertree is absolutely not her real name, as she is a nasty little trash scrapper criminal who became a criminal bc she had to planehop flee from the Feywild after personally pissing off the fairy queen
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
she's a fucking chaotic neutral gremlin with a gun and a thunderous rapier and little to no impulse control, and it makes sense that she's the first character in my wide roster to Actually Die
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
WIS is a dump stat for her. never do that, it's a nightmare
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
let me find her character inspo chart
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
tonight she died bc the DM introduced an enemy 200ft in the air who was kidnapping our unconscious RA, and i still had a potion of haste that i'd been hoarding for real-time months since i didn't use it for the original task the DM gave it to us for
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and as a rogue i can dash as a bonus action. and as a fairy i can fly.
this is the most powerfully deranged inspo chart
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
haste doubles your speed. so i was able to move 60 feet, bonus action dash 60ft, haste action dash 60ft, and be launched an extra 30ft from a party member's special feature upon takeoff
UH HUH......
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and catch up to them. and grapple the unconscious RA they were holding, who couldn't resist bc they were unconscious, which was the only way i'd win a grapple check bc she also has -1 STR
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
but as a rogue/artificer. i have none HP. so within a single turn i got smited from 37 HP to 0 HP, roundhouse kicked into a single failed death save, and then i rolled a natural 1 on my death save on my turn which is automatically TWO failures
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and died. and went into a 200ft freefall. FMSDLKFGMKLH
holy fucking shit
and then fireworks went off in the bg presumably
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
what a wild way to go
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
most of the party didn't even realize she died bc it happened so suddenly and she is CONSTANTLY rushing into things and falling unconscious in mid-air
gonna go shake her later like girl get up. ...get up.......... GIRL??
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
I assume she learns nothing from this
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
the DM asked me for what she might do/say/think in her last moment when it happened
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and i was like
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i don't think it's like. a single bad memory or a regret that haunts her or anything. i think all that goes through her head is "I should have never tried to be good"
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so. she learned the wrong lesson maybe!
I support her I decided
2 months ago
Pandora is incredible. I also support her
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
when the campaign started I really wanted something different from the rest of my roster bc most of my characters are... good-aligned or close enough to it
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so I was like. I want to try just playing a selfish little motherfucker actually
hell YEAH
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
she is starting to CARE a little bit about the party or whatever and she owes the RA quite a lot for getting her out of some real shit from her criminal background on like . the second day of school. so she's been trying to help them out at least but
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
dying?????? that's a bit much gang
maybe her debt to the ra is paid by dying for them
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
THE RA IS ACTUALLY DEAD TOO NOW SO WHO'S TO SAY (i doubt he's dead permanently though he needs to be alive for the ritual he was kidnapped for)
current status dead, future unknown
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
also all of this happened in a real-time span of 1hr 45min. it is both the shortest and most chaotic tabletop session i have ever been in
holy crap
your dm like well we have more time but let's stop here for narrative purposes and also I need a hot cocoa
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
JFSDKLGJKLFG one of the players actually just had to go to bed early (and this campaign usually runs on tuesdays so we usually only do like 2.5-3hrs max anyway since folks gotta work the next day) but also,
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
we did need hot cocoa,
I need hot cocoa fucking hearing about it sjksksnd
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
a round of cocoa for everyone
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
everyone was like "i'm looking forward to the character development from pandora dying" after session and i was like
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
shit man me too! got no clue what's gonna happen now!
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i play no character on impulse more than i do pandora peppertree
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
it is incredibly rare that i know what pandora will do ahead of time
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i think the only time i was confident about that was when we ended a session with her threatening to blow up a keg of very flammable alcohol after i rolled high enough that the DM said she'd be able to determine the flash point, estimate the likely blast radius, and had the supplies to cause a spark to ignite it upon shooting it
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and i was like
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
DM i hope you've actually worked out the size of that radius and how much damage it's going to do because she is 10000000% going to blow that thing up.
consider it kersploded
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
been trying very hard not to get on the Work Gossip train bc i really don't want that energy in my life but i did gossip a little bit with the coworker who is the closest thing i have to a Work Friend while helping her in her aisle... learned that i am apparently not the only one that my TL just randomly gets after for the stupidest possible shit
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so. hate that for others but does make me feel slightly better that it's not just me
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
did confirm the existence of the management/senior employee clique cattiness i have noticed too
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
and also learned that apparently. my manager got after this particular coworker for........using the bathroom too often/for too long??? and set a limit on how often she can go now???
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i was immediately like HELLO IS THAT LEGAL? and my coworker basically gave me a big shrug like "idk it's a lot of he said/she said so i think it's a grey area"
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so. big yikes there. will continue to try to stay in my lane and be superficially pleasant so i'm not on the receiving end of any of that shit at least until i have an alternate source of income lined up
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
got my annual performance review tonight too and it was totally positive this time which is a welcome change from last year, which was basically "here are a bunch of nitpicky problems we've found after only a couple of months of barely any observation and no effort to tell them to you prior to this"
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
just. man. once again, i do not miss day shift and customer service but i do very much miss my management in cville floral
wow that sounds like a lot of people without joy in their lives taking it out on ppl they have a tiny amount of power over... large yuck and yikes
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
they're all like. on the older side of middle aged ladies so that is the prime demographic for sad bitterness 😬
2 months ago
"using the bathroom too long"?????? wild
2 months ago
rooting for you cee...
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
I KNOW......
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
just 😬😬😬
how dare an employee shit
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and i was like oh god. am i next
idk if you will find this as tunny as i did but I told Kerr about this bc she's sitting right next to me and she literally said "how dare someone shit" because we are the same guy.
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
tummy hurts and I am not being brave about it but it looks like tabletop is not happening tonight so at least I can lay around about it
puts a heating pad on u (or ice pack if you prefer)
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
you know, I've actually never tried ice pack for tummyache... only medicine and heating pad
i hadn't until recently but it actually seems to help?
or else my brain was just desperately clinging onto whatever was available
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
will have to keep this in mind bc the idea of a heating pad in my hot-ass room is often an unbearable prospect LMFAO
yeah i said heating pad and then i was like wait thats a no-ac microaggression and felt bad LOL
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
HAHAHAHA it's okay
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
sometimes it's bad enough that I heating pad anyway
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
I think last year I did actually have heating pad on tummy with ice pack on back so I didn't die
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
woken up today by drilling and hammering from next door's construction and im slowly turning into a werebear about it
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
they have been working every single weekday from roughly 9am to 5pm for about three weeks
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
it's a townhouse. what the fuck is taking so long
I am so mad I want to work the phones and they are drilling RIGHT NEXT TO ME STOP
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
im really tempted to catch the landlord over there next time i see her and ask if there's an ETA on all this being done bc im going insane
yeah that'd be reasonable I think
eight hours a day..........................................
that would be a nightmare even if you didn't sleep during those hours
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
yeah naya and eko have not been having a great time with it either ☠️
i would be going insane. like. having had this go on for a week when the landlords were getting the roof fixed i was a complete wreck of a human by the end so i cannot imagine
clutching desperately at my landlords shirtsleeve. please. the Banging. it echoes in my bones
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
god our landlord had our roof redone like...a monthish ago and i just straight up bailed MFLDKFGMKLH i slept at my partner's place
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
which. i can do sometimes. but i can't live over there full time, which i would need to to escape this level of constant noise
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
rancid mood last night continued into rancid mood today, which has stolen much of my sleep today
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
not looking forward to holding this during work but. it's saturday so maybe i'll have too much to do to think about it
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
work was not too bad aside from me being so tired it felt like my eyeballs were gonna fall out... also did not get much sleep before plans with the homies this morning on account of direly needing to shower but. we got breakfast and boba and it was v nice
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
partner and i are gonna do a grocery run and then they are probably gonna head home... me sad but I'm glad I got to see them today it's been a rough week emotionally
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
my brain turning itself inside out has made Doing Hobbies difficult for the past week, which has made the brain acrobatics worse, rinse repeat. but i am awake through next-door construction and bodily requirements so i am gonna try to Do Hobbies until i need to go back to sleep before work...
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
Monday sure did Monday all over me and now im very tired and don't want to think about preparing for our party this weekend... but I must......
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
beset upon by a sudden melancholy tonight... wish i did not have to go to work
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
depression and my fukcing PERIOD, AGAIN have absolutely annihilated my ability to function this past week and im SIGHS
oh my god has your period ever chilled out even one time
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
this is the third time in less than a month it's been every other week since my first period on this new birth control
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
if it doesn't level out by the time I finish this 3mo supply I have, I am going to stop taking this BC LMFAO
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
because I cannot live like this,
ghost lecturer
2 months ago
what the fuck what the fuck uterus no
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
ghost lecturer
2 months ago
jail for uterus! jail for ten thousand years!
2 months ago
2 months ago
uterus you cut that shit out
2 months ago
how far into the supply are you?
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
squints. i'd have to pull it out of my purse but i think i'm into the second week of month 2
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
my uterus has always needed to go to jail frankly but this is ridiculous
2 months ago
if you can, you might want to call your doc about it... the fact that it's month 2 strikes me as like. admittedly I don't take bc myself, but I don't think it's supposed to do that??
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i was not prescribed it! it's an OTC birth control
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and i do not have...a regular doctor to consult rn
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
the 1st and 3rd periods are like. they have been basically when my period would normally be. so it may be that the middle one was just an outlier but i can't really know for sure yet
2 months ago
2 months ago
bodies why you do this...
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
the human reproductive system is an absolute fucking nightmare
2 months ago
sorry about that cee-- i've got another pal who does get prescribed bc who had to go through a couple to find one that works, but I shouldn't have assumed yours was a prescription too
2 months ago
me worrying constantly about my friends w/ the bad periods
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
it's okay! this is the first FDA-approved OTC birth control and i think it only went into public circulation like...last year??? so i am not sure it is common knowledge
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i have a very traumatic history with gynecologist visits so i figured i would try it before going through the prescription BC rigamarole
2 months ago
oh dang! yeah i had no clue about that. genuinely that's very clue!!
2 months ago
i hope it stabilizes for you. just generally speaking and so you don't have to deal with going to the gynecologist
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
thank you... i will have to go to the gynecologist at some point anyway but apparently a self-test swab alternative to the pap smear is going to be coming to some offices in the USA soon so i would LOVE to hold out for that
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
er, self-collect?? it's not exactly like an at-home covid test or anything but the patient collects the sample themself
idk if there is a planned parenthood or similar clinic nearby that you might be able to go to for less $ and theoretically an environment where there would be more understanding about you being leery about gyns... just a thought tho. my main thought is uterus no bulli
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i did look up planned parenthood locations at one point but the closest one is half an hour away via I-95
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i have not done much research outside of that yet though so i will look into that when the spoons are extant
jesus h WELP
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
yeah... you'd think they'd be more plentiful around the baltimore area but . nope
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
(i could also go into baltimore but lol)
but you don't hate yourself That Much atm yea
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
at the moment or, like, almost ever
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
city driving stresses me tf out in general but my god. pair it with the DMV area tendency towards Hurrying and Rage and u couldn't pay me to drive in that shit
2 months ago
City driving suuuuuucks
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
me and the roomies had a little party today with some very long-distance friends who were in town (including our one friend who has been teaching in Japan for a few years) and it was too brief but still very nice
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
my head and tummy hurt very bad now from the food and drink indulgences I had but it's okay. I blessedly have tomorrow off work as well so I am heading home with partner to chill and spend tmw with them
cemetery girls
2 months ago
obviously this is like secondhand advice given to me but when I got on birth control my obgyn did say it can take a few months for your cycle to adjust
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
yeah and I do remember having some irregularity last time I started BC, which was a million years ago but I know it's not unusual
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
I would be less fussed about it if the accompanying mood swings/depressive episodes weren't uhhhhh getting to be debilitating
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
which. is one thing when it's once a month. but when I've been in total brain hell every other week it's,
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
not great,,,
cemetery girls
2 months ago
sucks though
cemetery girls
2 months ago
okay plurk didn't show me any replies after your first one there but I still think my reply applies
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
nice weekend but i got home later than i meant to today so i am not gonna have a lot of time to rest before inventory hell tonight. i also got some really disappointing news that has resulted in some frankly crushing sadness so i am glad life is back to being nonsense as always the moment i leave my partner's place
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
day off tomorrow so hopefully getting back on the bus with silent spring stuff then... sighs
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
survived inventory once again and free of that particular nonsense until February
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
the next nonsense is the holidays. but work things will probably be a slower for me through Sept/Oct... I am already down to 3 days/week on the latest schedule
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
my wallet hates it but my brain needs it tbh
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
laundry today because i'm just like Sisyphus fr fr
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
but. besides laundry. RP. and maybe art? that would be nice
2 months ago
2 months ago
glad things are slowing down at least for a bit for you cee
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
me too... like I said. fewer hours means fewer money. but. scale weighing hand motion
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
I've been so absolutely exhausted between work and this fucking period gauntlet I've been dealing with that I haven't had time or energy on my days off to, like, do anything to set up supplemental income
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
like perhaps job hunting or commissions LMFAO
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
so. I am hoping with a little less work craziness that I can do those things
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
maybe narrow down therapist options and make an appointment as well bc jesus LMFAO
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
finished my laundry and even managed to put most of it away a little while ago but am now having trouble finding momentum for anything else...ough
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
roomie impulsively made plans w me and then cancelled just as quickly but it was BEAUTIFULLY cool out today so partner and i went on an impromptu date instead
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
had big ol' sandwiches and split a fancy cookie for dessert
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
and got to sit OUTSIDE... LUXURY
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
i've been feeling so cooped up with the latest covid spike
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
vibes got real weird and bad last night so i slept for. checks watch. about 14 hours
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
apparently tmw night we're going to have reps from upper management and HR working with us and doing open door stuff so after some coaxing from a coworker i signed up for a slot to discuss career options... i don't anticipate this company will have anything that suits my interests and needs based on the cursory research i've done before
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
but. if anyone would know. it is them. so i figured i might as well show up and ask
☀️ ceeshine!
2 months ago
god i feel inexplicably ill this morning wanted to shower and get some drawing done but ough......
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
I am so weary of fighting my brain and body 😭😭😭
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
i hope i feel less yuck after work tonight, i would love to do something with my day besides sleep
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
the upper management visit/open door...is next week when i'm not scheduled and now i'm on the hook for a meeting anyway
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
i was going to ask my partner if they wanted to come with me and make it a little midnight date adventure so i didn't have to go out for just that but... they're going to be out of town.........
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
which. i am trying not to think about too much honestly
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
it'll be the first time one of us has been out of town alone since we started dating, and normally i wouldn't worry about my ability to handle it reasonably, but with the severity of my emotional disregulation lately i am . a wee bit worried
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
christ alive of course the fucking package i finally got around to sending my dad after literal months got returned to sender
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
for "incomplete address information" even though I WROTE THE WHOLE THING... INCLUDING THE UNIT NUMBER (which is definitely the problem)... ON THE PACKAGE
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
i love wasting postage costs on incompetence
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
got so frustrated about this and everything in my life lately that I finally did a home improvement task I've been meaning to do for months. I don't think I even did it right tbh but it'll do for now
ghost lecturer
1 months ago
oh for fuck's sake, shipping
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
very annoying!
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
also very annoying that i woke up with tummyache AND headache
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
just need to survive tonight at work and then i will have an actual full weekend where my only other obligations are dungeons and sometimes dragons
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
having some very "why do i bother" feelings about a lot of things rn very suddenly sighs
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
I have had a headache since I woke up last night and I felt like I'm going to explode
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
sighs... the TTRPG session I was rly excited for that we haven't been able to play for months got cancelled
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
once again feeling very "why bother" about it
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
and we're probably not going to have another time to play until October and I will almost certainly be scheduled to work instead of having a miracle Saturday off
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
rescheduling that shit turned into about half of the campaign whipping themselves up into nonsense frenzies about some suggestions that were made to lessen the impact of cancellations on actually playing, which turned into me getting caught in the crossfire for absolutely no fucking reason
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
and I am truly just so absolutely fucking sick of other people allowing themselves to talk to me hurtfully because of Anxiety™️
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
and being treated like im being unreasonable for being upset and not assuming better intent as if intent fucking matters when I am still constantly getting my feelings hurt bc people refuse to fucking think before saying shit to me
cemetery girls
1 months ago
cemetery girls
1 months ago
you are not being unreasonable
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
my weekend was an absolute fucking nightmare and i am reevaluating my entire approach to some friendships as a result of it so ofc i didn't get to get caught up at silent spring.
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
but i have no obligations today until d&d which pretty much always gets cancelled on tuesdays anyway so i am going to try to throw my whole ass into it today
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
my "join a game and absolutely fumble the first month from RL shitting on me" streak continues even after a nearly 3-year hiatus
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
oh on a (weird but) positive note though: got assigned to baby last night which is already very rare but especially on a busy night like a monday, and my TL (the only manager on duty) told me it was bc i was one of the few people she trusted to actually rotate stuff carefully
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
i have often doubted whether my TL actually likes me or thinks i'm competent at all LMFAO so that was nice to hear even if i was also like ah... cool... no pressure or anything...........
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
it is really so amazing that the best and most consistently stable and encouraging thing in my life (my relationship with my partner) is now poisoned for me to think about bc someone i can't get away from can't handle the ways in which it has changed their dynamic with us.
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
i feel so unspeakably vile about this and i'm just going to have to sit with that feeling for ? i don't know, probably a week at least, because my partner is going out of town and so we're not all going to be able to sit down together and talk before that. lmfao
1 months ago
i'm having a hard time like. putting into words what i want to express but
1 months ago
that really sucks, cee. i'm sorry that you have to sit with that.
1 months ago
this feels like the understatement of the year, but like. gestures tiredly
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
it's alright i can't even put it into words either bc of how devastatingly upset it made me on so many vectors
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
and probably will continue to make me until the end of time frankly
1 months ago
it's really awful. that should not be something you have to manage
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
it should not but heaven forbid i have something nice and untainted in my life LMFAO
ghost lecturer
1 months ago
ghost lecturer
1 months ago
that sucks, I'm sorry cee
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
I will be discontinuing this birth control as soon as this one is over
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
jesus fucking christ
1 months ago
HELLO?? PERIOD AGAIN????????????????????
1 months ago
PERIOD GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
YUP... i don't think it's even been a week
1 months ago
that is so fucking exhausting. body cease
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
it apparently fucking shan't until I stop this BC
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
which I don't want to do mid-period but boy howdy as SOON as it's done
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
had a nice talk with my mom and a nice talk w upper management and HR about career options. coworkers also all said i looked very cute and nice (i was out of uniform since it was my night off)
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
so that was nice but. ugh. i am still just so consumed with nastiness despite my best efforts
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
this is going to be the longest weekend of my life
ghost lecturer
1 months ago
uuuugh. the nice talks are super encouraging, though!
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
yee... unfortunately it was about what i expected re: career options at this company (not currently much that fits my needs/preferences) but that's okay. they said if anything ever pops up that they'll do what they can to help me pursue it
ghost lecturer
1 months ago
just getting on the radar that way is good!
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
yee and they were very appreciative/impressed that I came in for the meeting on my day off so. dusts shoulders off
ghost lecturer
1 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
had a very nice morning with Naya going apple picking and checking out the market for the farm but then we also had our monthly household meeting
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
and I also worked all night in my least favorite aisle
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
I'm so tired
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
nts turn in AC for after . a nap, maybe
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
trying to nap but dying of sadness from how much I miss my partner
ghost lecturer
1 months ago
☀️ ceeshine!
1 months ago
did not end up going to the grocery store today as planned so I'll have to go in the morning but that is fine
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