Hoping to get Sora active again. Escordvi has their TDM later this month and I wouldn't mind Reapping there. Synflux will also be holding a TDM come September but I need a lot of samples for them as they take samples very seriously and mine don't make the cut currently
Also still pondering the 7Dead problem and potential solutions though, no idea if my fellow Deadlies are still interested in that or have moved on. Opinions would be welcomed on the subject!
radiodust: Oh boy yeah. They want two to three high quality samples with a large amount of posts and all of those for me are behind community walls so...It's a little hard
decimalplaces: That is very fair. The timing really sucked because now I have far more time to actually focus on it and I'm not sure anyone would still be interested
I've completed all my To Dos tonight except for Submit Yazoo's app simply because that's no open yet and I would like to include his Laby TL but...Haven't reached that goal yet.
Tomorrow's tasks are a little more flexible and we'll see how many tags I need to catch up on then. Plus I'll be work-free for the rest of the week after Sunday evening which is nice
Completely yesterday Some tags. Some progress on Jack’s journal
Tomorrow is shaping up to be a day packed with RL stuff so I’m not sure I’ll be tackling anything tomorrow but Tuesday will be a good day for trying to knock a few more items off of the list
I seem to have picked up a bug over the weekend and yeah, not feeling so hot right now which is a real pain in the backside with everything I wanted to do today and the rest of the week