FE Three Houses OST - 22. A Funeral of Flowers (Rain...其實以我個人來說風花裡最喜歡的尾王曲其實是銀雪的「花片の葬列」,前段的壓抑一直到1:30秒帶入納巴泰主旋律的爆發,後續彷彿美好回憶的歷歷在目,而這首的氛圍始終保持一股柔美跟悲哀感真的跟銀雪太對味了。 我們先不提銀雪劇本寫得不夠好這件事作為老師,最後對上的卻是與自己身世最密切相關的人,這人讓你數次活了下來(ex.出生+擋下光之樁),對你溫柔卻又始終有著秘密與隱瞞,最後不得不由你親手了結她坎坷的命運,整個劇情的收束與背景旋律的同步率100%。
無意中看到影片的下方留言"You ever thought if Kronya didnt kill Jeralt he eventually would have to be killed by Byleth in Silver Snow because he was carrying Rhea's blood with him, and when Rhea got corrupted so did the knights of seiros. If you have seen the cutscene before Rhea goes berserk you'll know what I'm talking about"