latest #46
1 months ago
I can’t wait for more concierge
yes, I was thinking I should rewatch it, it's so good/relaxing
Dog sitting today. Kinda too hot to do much with them outside, so just chilling indoors
Probably wait till tues to either start walking or bike riding again, it’s gonna be a hot weekend
I kinda really want to go to bed, even though it's not that late...
I'm making like so many vet appointments for the cats this month/next month... Samantha gets an arthritis shot monthly, anyway, but I have to take cats in for bloodwork and vaccinations, too...
and Butch gets his head CT mid Sept... which is going to eat up all my savings, pretty much...
but before the CT he needs stuff done to be sure he's healthy enough for the procedure...
I mean, I'm guessing he is... he just had bloodwork done in March when he had his teeth cleaned/cyst removed and he was fine
when I take Samantha in on the 20th I want to have her weighed and ask about getting her an appetite stimulant... she eats ok some days, then other times doesn't want to eat much so I wonder if she's nauseated, which can be caused by her ckd... she doesn't have any other symptoms of nausea, though, so idk
I was hoping to wait until next week to have Sam looked at, but she's really barely eating anything, so.... I'll have to call the vet tomorrow morning... unless she starts eating more before then
she just picks at her food or licks it, so I know she's not getting enough calories
I must have had a very vivid dream about plugging my phone in last night, because when I woke up it was dead and not plugged in. I could've sworn I plugged in the charging cable, but the cord was tucked under the mattress like normal
good thing I woke up around when my alarm was set to go off anyway or I would've been screwed...
maybe I should move my wireless charger to the headboard then I don't have to worry about it and it can charge that way overnight
I take Samantha in to the vet tomorrow. I ended up not taking her last week as she started to eat a bit better, but some days she eats better than others. I'm still worried about her.
I'm not sure what the vet will want to do, maybe take blood again...
well Samantha isn't doing great, her kidney values are worse. the vet did give her an appetite stimulant and I got a bag of sub-q fluids to give her at home
I just hope I'm able to give her the fluids... the vet tech showed me how to do it before I left and I'll watch how-to videos, but I'm still nervous about doing it
the vet said she was dehydrated and I want her to feel better, so I'll do my best for her
ok I gave Samantha the SQ fluids and it wasn't as difficult as I thought it'd be, she held still for the most part. I just hope I didn't give her too much? The liquid formed a weird blob on her side, but apparently that happens sometimes.
hm I can't decide whether I should get a red or yellow pocket bag
I'm leaning toward yellow, it's sort of a mustard color, but red would also be cool
alright I gave Samantha her SQ fluids again and it went fine. I think I gave her about the same amount as last time. She seems to be eating more/wanting to eat more, so I'll take that as a positive sign
she should still be eating more, tho
Samantha has a new symptom where she's now making a horrible cracking/crunching sound when she eats her wet food, so I'm guessing she has a broken tooth or she's been grinding her teeth...
if she has a bad dental problem I don't know if she's well enough to get anesthesia to get it fixed, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see what the vet says when I drop her off tomorrow
need to remember to set my alarm so I can wake up early to take poor Samantha in
giving her SQ fluids tonight didn't go smoothly, it kept leaking for some reason, but I finally got some fluids into her
so Samantha doesn't seem to have a tooth problem, but could have pain in her jaw. the vet prescribed some pain meds/anti-inflamatory and nausea medicine. I'm still wondering if her not eating and teeth grinding is due to being nauseas... as cats with kidney disease often get that way
there's not really anything else to do for her, though... so... we'll just have to wait out the week and see if she improves...
Samantha is groggy now from the pain meds, but still sort of restless.... I just got her to lie down on the bed, though, so hopefully she'll just sleep for awhile... I don't think she's been sleeping much
I don't know if I should give her more of the pain meds since it zonked her out and she can't walk right... hopefully the anti-nausea meds will be what gets her to feel better
worried about Samantha still... also thinking about how I need to get another job somewhere
I just want something not stressful and I don't really have to interact with people
I found a couple listings for kennel technician where all you do is work with dogs, basically, but they're limited hours and kinda far
maybe I could just work overnights for the holiday season again, but the retail stores around me don't have overnight staff so I'd have to go to the other side of town to work which is kind of a pain... at least 20 minutes driving one way
also before I'd apply for any jobs I'd like my skin to calm the eff down so I don't look like a pimply gremlin
I'm leaning toward maybe trying to be an overnight monitor, but I'm not sure what all it entails. it might be too personal or involve things I don't feel comfortable with.
I would consider working overnight at a gas station, but then I'd be concerned the place could get robbed
I made the appointment to say goodbye to Samantha. I know she's not going to get any better and she's not eating, there isn't really anything else to do for her
I'm afraid that force feeding her or the like would only add to her discomfort
I know she's old, but I was hoping the new medications would get her to eat more. I'm afraid her body is giving out on her...
I could have brought her to the vet tomorrow, but I asked if I could bring her Saturday morning. I hope it's not too selfish, I wanted a day to be with her and say goodbye
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