台北金馬影展 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival | 亂世佳人 Just when I was about to say I like nothing about this film, I saw Vivien Leigh, and because of her, how can I not adore anything of this film?
台北金馬影展 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival | 靈慾春宵 I would definitely give it a 4.5/5 had I not seen the stage play before. Though Elizabeth Taylor is wonderful, the script is too perfect and I just don’t see there’s any space left for the camera.
台北金馬影展 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival | 窈窕淑女 Professor Higgins, you know you could just stick to men if women are all so foul. I believe Colonel Pickering will always welcome you with his open arms.
我不否認現在確實不太可能拍出像默片時期、片廠黃金時期那樣的電影,甚至也不可能再拍出新浪潮那種電影了。 但為什麼要?明星或許不會再有了,Tom Cruise 或許就是最後的巨星(或早在 JCVD 之後就不再有所謂明星了,quoted from my lecturer of Acting in Films),但世界上永遠會有新的演員、新的影像、新的敘事。