2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
Well. Gosh. (All talk, CR meme will come tomorrow. same cws as the meme )
latest #20
2 months ago
Guilliman was already slated to get weird about this. I wouldn't call it a breeding kink, but he places an unhealthy amount of value on his most "useful" trait, which is that his genetic template makes good soldiers. eg -- he's the Imperium's prize stud bull.
2 months ago
he'd just always assumed that he was sterile so far as personal reproduction went.
2 months ago
The Duchess prodded at this at the banquet, getting him thinking about what their progeny might be like. (He doesn't want to think about how tempted he was.)
2 months ago
So, like... his brain's started drifting in that direction even before this new compulsion hits.
2 months ago
I think I can play well enough with a variable anatomy, for folks who aren't into the body horror. but with how big he is, there's going to be... difficulty... with him specifically desiring penetrative sex. (said difficulty can be its own fun! but a very specific kind!)
2 months ago
We need to toss these two at each other again and this could be a way to do it and get very weird
2 months ago
aeneia: good lord, yeah... dirty talk straight out of Crusader Kings.
give the spooky ocean lady worthy heirs to conquer the waves
2 months ago
mirrorfaded: conversationally weird, sexually weird, or both? because right now, i think half the stuff coming out of Robu's mouth would be some kind of deranged.
2 months ago
(the simple fact that his initial, very public reaction to 'the Duchess filled us with itchy little souls ' was "I wish she'd asked first :\" is... a conversation starter......?)
david discovery
2 months ago
okay, this means i gotta know just how big we're talking
2 months ago
I’m very down for both
2 months ago
Gabe’s got very complicated feelings about the whole thing since on one hand, he misses his daughter a lot. On the other, the thought of making kids under these circumstances is really horrifying! Which is a great tension to play with
what if javert egged guilliman on and made things weirder with him 👀
2 months ago
hellzapoppin: You know those big-ass energy drink cans you can get at a gas station, with the metal cap?
david discovery
2 months ago
2 months ago
cravats: heehee, egged on. (sorry) I'm split, honestly -- I am curious how weird they could get if allowed to yes-and each other, but I also feel bad about how behind I am on our other threads, and would kind of like to see those through. :x
it's fine if you want to focus on those, no worries!! i definitely want to keep them going if you do
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