Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
latest #21
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
this is incredible
1 months ago
1 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
frankly we don't hang enough shit on Arthur for some of his s1 crimes
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
he stole that boat in broad daylight in mid fucking afternoon after asking the rental guy and getting told no
1 months ago
Arthur's crime spree in Sweetwater put in context.
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
so much petty theft
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
he stole $200USD when he was leaving the hospital
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
inflation says that's over $4000 now
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
then immediately spent most of that on a gun and fake ID
1 months ago
I'm gonna be historian nerd for a moment and say that it's even worse than inflation indicates, because buying power and necessities change so much over history. So for additional context, in 1931, average low starting wage across all industries in the US was 10 cents an hour, or $208 a year. Arthur stole the equivalent of some people's yearly salary.
1 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
luckily he stole it from a lost and found box behind an incinerator in the hospital basement, hidden in the lining of an abandoned hat
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
(thanks John for noticing it)
1 months ago
It's been so wild finding out his name isn't "actually" Parker
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
i think harlan's excuse is that he just straight up got mixed up bc of his kid and called him Peter Parker, but no his real name is Peter Yang. the watsonian explanation is that Parker is his father's name
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
so on arthur's door it says "Arthur Lester and Peter Yang"
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
malevolent is what happens when venom kills spiderman and forcibly takes over the narrative
1 months ago
Shit lmao
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