2 months ago
[gender] do you think femininity is exclusive to one gender?
latest #49
2 months ago
so, like, for me personally, I identify more with femininity than anything else than what is considered my gender and femininity shouldn't be assigned to one gender
2 months ago
bringing this up because a trans woman on TikTok talked about how trans misogyny is a hatred of anything feminine
2 months ago
I strongly believe that any gender can participate in femininity.
2 months ago
𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑑𝑢𝑠𝑡
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
also same
2 months ago
and trans men that dabble in feminine aesthetics are still men
2 months ago
2 months ago
and also a nonbinary or gender fluid person that was born female at birth and is feminine presenting is still nonbinary and trans
2 months ago
(trans, if they want to use that label. not all nonbinary people do)
i will rock a dress and makeup but i won't id as a woman. just a potato in a dress
2 months ago
hahaha mood
2 months ago
namang: very true!
2 months ago
feminine can be for anyone really
2 months ago
I'd say that it's probably the overwhelming opinion that femininity = woman/female, but it shouldn't be. presentation has nothing to do with gender.
2 months ago
2 months ago
anyone is allowed to participate in that aesthetic and it shouldn't be mutually exclusive to being a woman or girl
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
not at all. presentation and voice is irrelevant to gender, to the point where cis women get the brunt of transmisoginy as well (albeit at a massively lower scale than trans women, obviously, but it affects them nonetheless bc they're labeled as trans for not fitting a certain level of and standard of "feminity")
2 months ago
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
i think our relationship with feminity as a whole, in general, will always be complicated. just as complex as masculinity, with the addend brunt of trans-unfriendly voices overtaking this subject
keyser süze
2 months ago
I've always felt the femininity is about performance in relation to self identity. it's not identity in and of itself... if that makes sense
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
transmedicalism preaches that unless you transition you can't be trans and unless you over-perform your actual gender (zeroing in on opposing your AGAB), you're not actually trans: because they're scared of the experiences that trans women live everyday, specially trans women of color, by being women that dont fit into a white thin dainty hyper-feminine mold
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
the history of feminity as an expression of identity is a tale as old as humanity itself and it never had anything to do in gender until bioessentialism got really bad in the past like 1000 years
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
sorry this is a subject im passionate about but also scatter brained
2 months ago
nooo! it's okay!!
2 months ago
go off, by all means
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
thats p much all i had to say on the matter! i think letspositivethinking has a really good opinion on it too
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
because performance is often social and meant to be perceived and as such we personally can and should choose what our hearts say instead of what is expected of us. as a man i struggle with this very often but it gets easier to deal with eventually
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
aNYWAY tldr yeah feminity and masculinity have nothing to do with gender, it has everything to do with how you choose to express an ASPECT of yourself and most people have both in bounds and thats okay. we'd live in a much happier world if everyone understood this
2 months ago
absolutely agreed!!
I have a shirt that says “femme but still them “ hahaha
2 months ago
the older I think about this, sometimes I don't feel 100% attached to identity of a woman... but as neither or something else. definitely nothing masculine
2 months ago
I only feel absolutely attached to feminine and hyper feminine image
2 months ago
haurchefant: omg my nonbinary friend would love that
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
yeah i'm bigender and one of the genders i perpetually "am", is none. like i am a man but also nothing. no gender jenkins.
2 months ago
I feel that so much lol. and this stuff I've been like shrugging off for years but today it got me thinking how I dressed masculine as a kid and I didn't really care if someone saw me as a boy
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
i think for some people socialized as women they're taught to disregard any "gender confusion" in favor of forcing them fulfill certain roles
2 months ago
seriously tho
2 months ago
you get forced all those gender norms so young and when you push back, you're told "well, that's not very lady-like"
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
or the classic "you'll change your mind"
oh nat are you me? i definitely feel the same way. like i def have zero interest in the idea of masculinity
but older i get the more im like... i don't care much for being a woman? i want to be nothing
2 months ago
the way we limit ourselves and assign gender to color, clothing and it's just sad there is so much flavor and vibrancy. femininity is for everyone. masculinity is for everyone
2 months ago
recipeh: THIS
2 months ago
mollypocket: I was gonna repeat what I said above lol
2 months ago
recipeh: also does that make us fall into the category of gender fluid?
🍉 catipede
2 months ago
in my experience it could be, if you still ID as a woman sometimes and nothing sometimes, it def sounds like gender fluid or nonbinary woman to me (✓ bigender)
2 months ago
ooh thank you!
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