1 months ago
Mute/psa...I know this is my mg plurk but I have most ppl I interact with here so
latest #12
1 months ago
This probably doesn't come as a surprise to anyone but I haven't been doing great lately! Things suck all around! I have been trying very hard to not make things all about me but I also don't want to just. Disappear and worry people
1 months ago
Like even now I want to delete this bc it feels like I'm crying out for attention rather than just giving a heads up that I'm probably going to just continue being sparse/lowkey/etc
1 months ago
Idk where I'm going with this. I feel like I had more to say but I just started wanting to cry which is how I feel most days more often than not lol
1 months ago
I think just allowing myself to say I'm not ok right now is at least a step in the right direction at least because I was actively attempting to pretend that things weren't that big of a deal
a big hug for andie. thank you for letting us know! i hope things improve because christ it sounds like it’s been an unending parade of crap right now - take all the time you need and don’t feel like you need to be bubbly and present always when you just want to rest.
just a guy
1 months ago
rubs you never worry about it because its never for attention andie, i hope you can get a break and back to a better place soon
1 months ago
yeah you've had it so rough for a long while now, you have every right to feel bad and vent about it. take care and don't push yourself too much
laudna ✂️
1 months ago
im sorry its been so rough lately andie
wraps around you and kisses you 100 times, we love you very much!! we're all in your corner no matter what!
1 months ago
aaah andie i hope very much that things do turn around soon, it's so rough when it's ongoing
1 months ago
lifts you up!!
1 months ago
Thank you for the well wishes everyone 💖
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