♣ copy chip
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
https://i.gyazo.com/ec32ff11f8697279d7dfcc97d18a5aff.png I've been cackling over this thread for a while also general rp commentary bc I don't do enough of that
latest #91
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
Ratio stop taunting Callisto
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
I'm trying so hard to come up with witty insults, I am not witty
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
2 months ago
not them always going back and forth .... but stop u do so good
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
just constantly trying to needle each other... they're never going to be friends
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
I am having so much fun even if I have to think really hard about what ratio would say
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
if you're gonna threaten violence Callisto ratio expects you to follow through one day
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
also the temptation to hateship is still real
Ratio does deserve one true hateship since aventurine/ratio was a takeout
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i have many good threads right now.. but my brain is too small to keep up
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
ratio's bonding with ereshkigal is very cute
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i think he does respect her, but is somewhat exasperated by her anxiety
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
he can't blame her since anxiety is anxiety but girl you need to relax
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
also tezca and set... two fighty gods
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i want him to have all the intellectual convos with both of them
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
it's so funny that ratio is getting along with the gods in syn
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
but he has a mindset that would fit really well as a steward of humanity so gods who are human like but can see the broader perspective would mesh well with him
2 months ago
lmao so far Tezca does like ratio which means he'll probably give him a Glock. Sign of affection,
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
a glock..................
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
ratio is never going to use it but thanks??????????????
Give it to aventurine
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
he might yeah lmao
2 months ago
look in his opinion everyone should have a gun
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
he has his imaginary chalk why does he need a gun
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
also very happy that march is dragging ratio to the beach
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
tbh he is willing to play in the water with her if that's what she wants. she's probably going to threaten him if he doesn't comply anyway
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i'm also excited for ratio to be scientist buddies with elysium....
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
now i just gotta get more student-teacher action
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
someone remind me to hit todoroki's post later today...
2 months ago
2 months ago
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
using imaginary energy comes very naturally to ratio so he can't imagine that he'd ever be cut off from it
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
also, yesterday i finally created a spreadsheet that spits out code for my thread tracker
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
"you could just use the spreadsheet as the thread tracker-" no. shh. listen. pretty code
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
it's not that difficult anyway, it just involves verrryyy long concatenates LMAO
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
https://imgs.plurk.com/QED/wMZ/joVZEUD71lclzf8Lik5Aa2PG6tD_lg.png lmao
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i also discovered CHAR (10) causes random quotes when you copy and paste but CHAR (13) doesn't. but it won't add spaces in the spreadsheet itself. that's pretty cool
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
sometimes i use my brain! sometimes.
2 months ago
sometimes. other times ratio takes it XD
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
ratio has taken all of my brain cells. it's him piloting the spreadsheet making
2 months ago
he's paying for rent by helping
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
ratio doesn't need to pay for rent it's fine
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i'd let him live rent-free in my brain any day
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
also lately i've been obsessed with this vid and song春野(Haruno) 'Bubbles' Official MV
2 months ago
what a MOOD. ratio lives rent free and frankly seconds away from evicting ME.
2 months ago
ohhhh that MV, i've seen that earlier it's soooo cute help
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
honestly if ratio could better my life i'd let him evict me-
2 months ago
s a m e
2 months ago
totally normal ratio thoughts
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
we are the most normal ratio fans, as usual
2 months ago
i expect nothing less frankly o7
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i still need a reason to use this in rp somewhere
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
💎 Ratio, The High-Quality Human 💎 Ratio, the Handsome Genius 💎 Ratio, the Degree Collector 💎Ratio, the Natural Spokesman for Rubber Ducks 🔥 With 8 personal documentaries & more than 10 biographies, come and get a comprehensive understanding of the genius's life 🚀~ Ratio, you're the only truth I believe in~ 🚀 Ratio, Ratio, endless possibilities 🚀
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
his canon fanclub kills me
aventuine can see why okay
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i'm sure aventurine also keeps tabs on ratio's fanclubs because they're hilarious
2 months ago
the fact that he has canonically a regular fanclub and an Insane fanclub also adds to the hilarity
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
ratio is truly A Guy
2 months ago
at some point a split happened and i almost want to know why and how XD
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
the insane fanclub has to be the yumejoshis
Yeah he sends ratio the funniest parts
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
tbh i think ratio thinks his fanclubs are hilarious
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i think i'm going to have to figure out how to get ratio to branch out more next month... ratio will always be a workaholic but there needs to be some variation in his prompts LMAO
2 months ago
as someone who has turned ratio into a clinic NPC workaholic, i felt that so hard XD
2 months ago
he needs to Get Out and Mingle
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i had a lot of fun with the dating shows and hot or not
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
god canvas did i show you his threads with callisto from villains are destined to die
2 months ago
truly hilarious ventures, a valuable experience for ratio
2 months ago
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i knew immediately that i had to have their egos clash and it's just been like that since
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
slides into ur dms
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
now i desire to have ratio have more intimate interactions with callisto, but not intentionally
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
and i want aventurine to get jealous and fight with callisto about it lmafjdkshgjk
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
callisto please princess carry ratio at some point
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
okay, there! my thread tracker is all nice and updated now!
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
having this spreadsheet is going to be a godsend
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i want a karaoke lounge for the base because i have been harbouring the HC that ratio is good at singing
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i blame his en va for having such a smooth voice
his en VA has sung on stream! Somewhere, it’s very nice
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
bath tubs
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
onsen style is fine he just needs
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
he needs this
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i have been sitting on tags for a while because brain doko
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
i am definitely getting on them and clearing my inbox by wed though... otherwise i'd have to ignore tags for another whole week
♣ copy chip
2 months ago
https://imgs.plurk.com/QED/zZ1/NVGls1zEWOkCrF280LWtP8Czisc_lg.png how is it that sampo has accrued the most comments lmaooo
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