Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
[no-context S4 spoilers + dumb chatter] in trivial but hilarious news, i've been playing Arthur as like 5'8-9"ish bc i like the idea of him as Just Some Average Dude
latest #35
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
which makes him like. Relatively Average/Borderline Short by modern standards, apparently
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
in the 1930s, apparently this makes him tall
Goose Botherer
1 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
allegedly the average height of a man born in the 1900s was about 170cm, which is ~5'6
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
and in fact that is slightly shorter in England where he's actually from
Goose Botherer
1 months ago
yeah WWI drafting started with taller dudes and it had a clear impact on average european heights for a generation
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
short Parker supremacy, average height for Asian men was <164cm / 5'4, lmfao
Goose Botherer
1 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
collectively the fandom agrees parker is also ripped
Goose Botherer
1 months ago
lmao what is up with that jarthur funko pop in the middle
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
I MEAN arthur wake up amnesiac and immediately literally stumble onto his best friend's dead body
Goose Botherer
1 months ago
the tears are fine, it's the HEAD i am concerned with!!!
Goose Botherer
1 months ago
(read: I spent a solid 20 seconds like, WHY are those weird proportions so familiar????)
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
for the meme i guess??
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago but yeah it's generally agreed that Arthur played Good Cop
I'm sorry I'm also distracted
Man I forgot about that, the good cop thing being likely canon
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
god eps 1-4 John is such a fucking gremlin, he's such a dick
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
i love my limey beanpole and his murderous 2-day-old symbiote
1 months ago
early john is so hilariously dickish OKAY YOU'RE BLIND AND HE'S DEAD GET OVER IT AND GET MOVING
1 months ago
laughing at the idea of Arthur being the calm and restrained one in the Arthur and Parker partnership
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
oh i absolutely don't think that for a second, lmao. he's just the one that's not throwing chairs
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
we see him get to actually interrogate people in s4 and he's fucking ruthless
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago arthur is a BITCH and i love him so much
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
(not included in that screenshot, john excitedly yelling HE'S LYING >: O!!!!! when oscar lies to arthur's face)
...John, Arthur is terrifying
Mrs. Sheepie
1 months ago
John: yes, yes he is
1 months ago
John: what do you think I meant by "manner of a man not to fuck with?"
1 months ago
also Arthur being tall makes John calling him small so often doubly hilarious
1 months ago
daaamn the power of ...vitamin D fortified milk? and a lot of food access changes? I never think about that either! Unless I’m in a colonial house lol
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