1 months ago
[uspol] it's not worth going back to twitter to bear witness to, but i'm kinda delighted from the stink of desperation i'm gleaning from conservatives trying to come up with ways to smear kamala harris
latest #15
1 months ago
this is the guy who coined "critical race theory" as a conservative talking point.

this is... so... dire
1 months ago
like, it's so funny to me that the undecided-voter reaction to trump-v-biden was "ugh, meatloaf night again?" and the conservative attitude was "hey, yeah, we can wriggle a win outta this!"
1 months ago
and now, like, realizing they have to compete with someone who's still cogent
1 months ago
it might not last very long. they'll probably find some angle that works before the election and lay into it.

or maybe this dumb shit works. maybe the base will all go "yeah! she's a satanist!"

but god, it's so desperate.
1 months ago
and it also is a bit of support for my theory that elon's twitter is fun for far-right people but it's ruining their perspective of what "acceptable" is, what plays with centrists... hell, even what plays with non-nazi republicans
Saturn Is A Tea
1 months ago
I feel like the whole mood on Team Red was "haha yeah Biden is too old and not cogent enough to be president let's run with that"
Saturn Is A Tea
1 months ago
And then Biden actually stepped down
Saturn Is A Tea
1 months ago
And now they're like "wait you can't--"
1 months ago
I'm gonna be honest... I was annoyed by how much the press coverage was like "yo Biden is old and seems out of it lately" when the other guy is as old and far less in touch with reality. Team Red was allowed to control that narrative way too thoroughly and too long
1 months ago
but now it's like. hey dipshits you're stuck with a geriatric stupid person, and the whole "NO U" argument was apparently all you had chambered
1 months ago
so their heavy influence on the News Apparatus may actually backfire on them because of how transparently they've Got Nothing
1 months ago
I still wish they didn't get to set the agenda to that extent but, silver linings
1 months ago
bagtree: Trump is not as sharp as he used to be, at all, to be sure! But I feel there's a difference in that Biden will lose a thread. Trump free-associates through whatever goes through his head, and he may forget what the question initially was but it's an uninterrupted chain of thoughts to him.
1 months ago
And, like! He's also a fascist who lies! He lied a lot in that debate! Biden's best moment outside of the SotU is grilling Lester Holt about that
1 months ago
but yeah, I'm looking forward to the old meandering man still who's still in the race realizing he doesn't get to shine by comparison anymore.
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