Sean Gorham
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
I've been posting this everywhere, because everybody needs to read this. I don't normally beg for replurks, but this time - please replurk!

The other day I listened to the latest episode of the "It Could Happen Here" podcast by Robert Evans, titled "Don't Panic". I think what he said is worth sharing. I also agree with him on much of what he said.
Sean Gorham
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
Are things bad right now? Absolutely. But we're not doomed yet. The fascists are doing the mask-off, full-throated hate routine because they know they're not guaranteed a win, even after the events of the past couple weeks. They're counting on apathy, despair and fear to make us give up.
Sean Gorham
2 months ago
Please, don't give up. This isn't over. If you've got the spoons, please give this a listen. I really think it's worth the time.

Don't Panic - It Could Happen Here | iHeart
Sean Gorham
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
IF you have the spoons for it, work locally to effect change. Find a cause. Get involved with your town's politics, even if it's just attending a meeting. Find other like-minded people. Organize. Plan.

DO NOT CATASTROPHIZE OVER WHAT HASN'T HAPPENED YET. (Robert talks about this in the podcast, too!) Focus on what you can change.
Sean Gorham
2 months ago
Real change in this country won't come from the top down. It'll come from the bottom up - true grassroots effort at the city/state level.

To sum up:

If we fight, we might lose.

If we give up, we will lose.

Don't give up. Don't give in. This isn't over.