1 months ago @Edit 1 months ago
Yesterday, when Nimrod was having very super secret corporate talk with one of Dell-EMC’s Chief Officer, I had my first gen AirPod Pro noise cancellation turned on. Now I regret it, because he said it’s insider trading if he said it to me, and now he won’t tell me no matter what.
latest #8
Kangen Band
1 months ago
nots menta
1 months ago
1 months ago
I’m really super curious now
1 months ago
tinggal kasitau ke gw, nanti gw bagi hasil via laundry aja
1 months ago
ivanpito: of course I remember that
1 months ago
fzrmc: Too bad AirPod Pro noise cancellation is too good, I didn’t hear anything at all
Rebel Hopper
1 months ago
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