gremlin wife
8 months ago
Folks who have RPed with me, specifically Devero, I have a question: did Dev ever say something particularly affirming to your character, and what was it? Or, alternatively for non-RP folks--
latest #11
gremlin wife
8 months ago
--are there any affirmation-type things you particularly like or have needed to hear?
god i don't remember but i do know that he and ghhost got on pretty well when i was at VT with you
8 months ago
8 months ago
I'm sure devero has attempted to say tons of affirming things to genjo. the problem is that genjo probably ignored them and immediately shut them down
8 months ago
But to answer your question (I've tried to find a thread to ref but am having no luck), Dev probably said something to Than about being a person instead of just his role, and being somewhere else helping to show what's really important
8 months ago
Mmm - I don't think any really came up in our threads specifically, but I'd be happy to suggest new ones!
8 months ago
A good one would be "You are not your fear."
☕ Aro ➽
8 months ago
He definitely has to K multiple times, I'll have to go hunting for actual examples :> train and au
8 months ago
I'll start looking for specific threads too!
gremlin wife
8 months ago
;o; thank y'all!
gremlin wife
8 months ago
Autistic_Ace: that is a good one <:
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