witch people
1 months ago
Went out for belated birthday dinner and outing tonight, stumbled on a game store.
witch people
1 months ago
Brother bought me a game because he is both kind and makes a lot of money. XD and they do D&D campaigns apparently so I'm going to keep an eye out on their social media and maybe join the discord for the next time they put out a call for players, so fingers crossed something comes of that.
witch people
1 months ago
Also I ate so many crab legs and there is cake for later and I am watching Mamma Mia 2, so. all in all a good day.
kill jester.
1 months ago
oh that's wonderful! happy belated birthday!
kill jester.
1 months ago
i was thinking about running a mini-campaign that should take twelve sessions to run if you'd be interested - prolly be saturday afternoon your time
witch people
1 months ago
blobulon: oooh! I would definitely be interested if you've got room :-D