Not sure I can call this a stray catte saga anymore since we're definitely keeping her but
So we've had her in the house since the 4th
Every time I go in to spend time with her I let Ru and Merrill sniff my hand after
Which resulted in some hisses, growls, lot's of running away and confusion
Today, we opened the flood gates
By which I mean, the door
Pete refused to leave the room at first
And Ru has just crouched in the hallway STARING at her
Not menacingly just like. Incredulity
But by now, at 3am, Pete has walked around the 2nd floor. Even used the usual litterbox and has explored it a great deal
And the current dynamic seems to be
Ru stares and is clearly curious. He'll follow her around but if she gets close he just runs away only to peek around a corner not long after to start watching her again
Pete went into my bedroom which is Merrill's territory. Merrill was in a corner near my computer and while she let Pete walk around, as soon as Pete got near me/my computer desk Merrill started doing warning growls
Pete really wants to be friends with Rufio
She continuously approaches him and is just REALLY trying to be friendly
She hasn't hissed or growled or swiped or anything
After Merrill's warning growl Pete hasn't really been back near my bedroom
No one's chased or attacked each other...
I'm kinda surprised? It seems to be going well??
Ru is usually the aggressor so I'm kinda happy he hasn't attacked her and is instead just doing the longest one-sided staring contest in existence
Merrill is very much like "Don't fuck with me, I won't fuck with you, capisci?
We'll see how it goes by the morningggg I really want sleep but every time I hear a growl or skitter I get worried again
sounds like it's going fairly well?
Pete is very wary of Merrill, but will walk right up to Ru
Pretty sure she has a crush on him, she keeps making trilling noises and rubbing her face on things whenever she approaches him
And he just freaks out and runs lmao
But they can be sitting within a foot of each other rather peacefully already
So I'd say they are pretty much good to go
Merrill and Pete on the other hand...
Female cats tend to be a little harder to get along with
Or maybe Merrill's the problem
Either way. They had a stand off in the hallway last night. Pete was in Merrill's way and it devolved into hissing and growling on both sides before I just picked up Petetunia and moved her so Merrill could get by peacefully
The whole ordeal, Ru just STARED. What a weirdo
not surprised Merrill and Pete are wary about each other tbh. female cats are very territorial, especially around other females
Yesss.. I am also not surprised. I'm hoping they'll learn to tolerate each other at least
sounds like my female. she'll sit in a hallway and just be... obnoxious. staring and growling at the male as he tries desperately get around her without actually getting anywhere near her
impossible. everywhere is too near in her opinion.-