oh to have a headspace... (p-unsure)
latest #8
(said with longing btw)
2 months ago
You don't have a headspace :-(?
nope!! 😞
we’ve tried to visualize and form one for YEARS i just don’t think it’s gonna happen for us unfortunately
2 months ago
That's fair, it was very hard for us to have a headspace aswell. It's still a little fuzzy, too, and can get scrambled. What helped us specifically was building it! We would play minecraft, and build up the whole headspace and spent some time in the world to help us get it "down" in our brain . Do you think that might help out?
we’ve tried that 😞 it’s okay though!! we are doing well without it but i appreciate your advice, i might try it again sometime
2 months ago
Tell me how it plays out . I would love to hear about it if it works!
yippee okay!!
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