2 months ago
[uspol] saw something bizarre that is possibly only a tumblr thing
latest #90
2 months ago
but there are tags that tag us politics as 'usian politics' and I'm like. Usian?????
2 months ago
I just saw a couple in passing and I just figure probly they are not from the US and don't know how it would be written but gosh it made me do a double take
i wonder if it's US-asian politics
2 months ago
(V)( ò,,,,ó)(V) -!!semi related another post going around with good shit the current admin has done and pointing out that media is purposely only talking about the 'BIDEN IS TOO OLD' stuff as a tactic lol
2 months ago
karlsefni: ooooh maybe thats it
wait. google shows me it's just US politics.
2 months ago
bed gothic
2 months ago
oh yeah I've seen that
2 months ago
I've never seen it before. wack.
2 months ago
sugoi yatsu
2 months ago
It's an alternative to American that differentiates it from the rest of the Americas and i respect that but also no one says it just say uspol
bed gothic
2 months ago
USian isn't just Tumblr, it was a thing in the early 2000s that people did as a response to the earth shattering realization that not only does calling US residents "Americans" kinda erase indigenous Americans but also ignores that there's fully two fucking continents full of other countries labeled "America"
sugoi yatsu
2 months ago
It communicates the same info
sugoi yatsu
2 months ago
But yeah it's been around for a while just never in very popular usage in English speaking places anyway
bed gothic
2 months ago
but obviously as a thing intended to convey more precise and relevant information that was less US centric and sounded less catchy it was doomed not to catch on
2 months ago
2 months ago
Yeah just looking at it it doesn't feel like, Right written if that makes sense
ohhhh that makes sense
2 months ago
so am unsurprised it didn't really catch on
2 months ago
but an attempt at a better catch all term makes sense
2 months ago
the more you know!!
bed gothic
2 months ago
yeah the thing it was intended to do was very logical and well founded but it was never ever actually going to happen
bed gothic
2 months ago
among other things it just sounds dweebier and usians are well known to not tolerate sounding subtly dweeby
sugoi yatsu
2 months ago
How do you even pronounce it aloud
2 months ago
dklfjadkf not wrong
2 months ago
you-shin or uh-shin?
2 months ago
Yea it simply does not sound right
bed gothic
2 months ago
I say Yew Ess Ee Anz when I say it aloud which has not been a thing I've really done much,
2 months ago
ldkfjaa yea that is not instinctive in the least
vast energies
2 months ago
yeah in my head it's US-ians
bed gothic
2 months ago
it's one of those inclusivity ideas that's like "everything about this is right and when I see people doing it I have no problem joining in to signal that I'm down with the ideas behind it, but I do think we all recognize that this is the kind of move that gets our movement shoved into lockers a little bit"
2 months ago
fuck. accurate
bed gothic
2 months ago
that's said without judgment, just some moves are like putting steak out at the doggy daycare and that's just the facts of the matter
vast energies
2 months ago
to be fair when i say 'americans' to refer to people who live in the USA. i do pronounce it, exclusively, aMURRRRIC'Ns
vast energies
2 months ago
which i feel like is sufficient to distinguish from American in general
sugoi yatsu
2 months ago
See that's a perfectly serviceable way to distinguish it,
2 months ago
the murrr is important thats true
sugoi yatsu
2 months ago
We all understand that one,
bed gothic
2 months ago
expressing mild contempt in this way is deserved and right to do
vast energies
2 months ago
you gotta growl it like you're trying to fuck a ford truck
bed gothic
2 months ago
yeah an f150 specifically
vast energies
2 months ago
2 months ago
a merkins...
Call us staters or something. It sounds like taters and I think that’s funny.
Like, it doesn’t have to end in “an” so you’re really limiting the options that way.
nah ive seen usian i think it’s like weird and jokey version of american
anal railgun
2 months ago
as someone who does in fact write/say it as "USian", what ofdiomedes said, lol
2 months ago
I have learned new things gosh
bed gothic
2 months ago
it's absolutely shocking that more people in the US didn't adopt the term that's less obliviously US-centric to the point of being extremely misleading and inaccurate to anyone looking at a map with "North America," "South America," and "United States" on it
bed gothic
2 months ago
everyone is really surprised
bed gothic
2 months ago
but yeah I personally prefer the term to Americans mechanically because it's more precise and well thought out. it DOES sound stupid and make less dialed in people you talk to irl either not know what you're talking about or mock you though so that's a downside
2 months ago
Yea had I not seen it in the context of other uspol tags I would have not known what it meant
2 months ago
but now I do!!
vast energies
2 months ago
sometimes to be more neutral i do say 'US Americans'
bed gothic
2 months ago
I usually say "people who live in the US" or "US residents" out loud to get around the issue of now being aware that "Americans" is kind of stupid but wanting to be clear in conversation, but it's clunky, alas
2 months ago
I don't generally have to specifiy outloud since most company is in the same boat, but it IS good to keep in mind for online circles 8|a
2 months ago
tho i just use uspol as my gen tag and that also works
Hugh Following
2 months ago
I like Staters lol. we should adopt that
problems georg
2 months ago
yeah what other folks said re: more specificity and inclusion
problems georg
2 months ago
while also looking and sounding a bit silly
2 months ago
2 months ago
in my head it sounds like someone is trying to say russian but got confused
2 months ago
i also see it a lot (though less nowadays) and have used it in the past
2 months ago
and from people who do not live in the US/are US citizens it is absolutely both for inclusion and contempt
2 months ago
you have no idea how many times i've seen people argue about whether calling the country "america" is right or not, and this will shock you
2 months ago
but americans will always double down on WE ARE AMERICANS BECAUSE OUR COUNTRY IS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 months ago
and the rest of latam will just:
2 months ago
and so bc americans hate being called USians, we'll only do it more
personally as an american I think ppl should do things that will piss off americans more lmao
bed gothic
2 months ago
oh that's a really good side benefit of the name being a little silly I hadn't considered
bed gothic
2 months ago
yeah absolutely piss off Americans more
like hell these days being american doesn’t even feel like something to be proud of nfjakkfkg
2 months ago
2 months ago
rainpuddles: lmao i can absolutely see that. why so many have so much pride in that will always baffle me
2 months ago
yeah it's less "we're trying to be inclusive" and more "shut up let me call you a thing you will hate bc you can't accept that america is the whole continent, not just your country"
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
time to start calling yall freedomians
only goes to 11
2 months ago
Continents. But yeah, we deserve it for having waaaaaay too many people on TV calling every not-Canada/not-US American country Mexico.
2 months ago
calling amurricans "feedomians" would just encourage them
2 months ago
freebies. freeaboos
sugoi yatsu
2 months ago
freeaboo! freeaboo!
2 months ago
2 months ago
TENtacle :3c
2 months ago
USians made sense to me since it conveys very precisely that the person saying it is referring to people living in the United States in a somewhat concise way (compared to like, "people who live in the US")
TENtacle :3c
2 months ago
saying something like "Staters" is imprecise because there are other countries that have states, too
TENtacle :3c
2 months ago
(I live in one of them)
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