Alex Melune
8 months ago
What dating apps do yall use that are not fatphobic? I am so shockingly lonely and I don’t know what to do.
latest #14
8 months ago
hiiiiii it's me, the expert in this field lol
8 months ago
so there's some app called WooPlus that bills itself as a plus-size friendly dating app. don't waste your time with that, I don't think I've talked to a single human there, the app seems buggy af.
8 months ago
as far as the rest of them, I don't know if there's any app that is specifically not fatphobic, but maybe what I've done could work for you? In addition to having a couple full body photos, my profile specifically says "BBW" like in the first sentence of my 'about' section (even tho I don't really like that term - it's just generally wildly recognizable).
8 months ago
I have found doing this helps me be really specific like, "I am a fat girl" so no one feels like I'm catfishing them when they show up and I'm fat lol
8 months ago
I also mostly use Bumble, where women message first, so I'm not going to get creeps messaging me without being pre-screened by me
Alex Melune
8 months ago
Hahahaha okay. Thank you! I will deffo try that for sure. Because. Yeah.
8 months ago
have you had issues with people being shitty?
Alex Melune
8 months ago
omgwtfbarb: I mostly have had people seeming interested and then just. Ghosting.
8 months ago
oh, well, that has nothing to do with being a fat girl, it's just the way people are these days unfortunately
Alex Melune
8 months ago
omgwtfbarb: it usually seems as soon as we get to the part where they see me and realize that I really am plus sized 🥺
8 months ago
I would encourage you to include some full body pics on your profile then if you don’t have them already
Alex Melune
8 months ago
omgwtfbarb: I do have one! Lemme show.
8 months ago
If you want I can PP you screenshots of mine?
Alex Melune
8 months ago
Ooh please. That would be great tbh.
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