2 months ago
i love it when my classmates make fun of poor/struggling people its so
latest #9
2 months ago
"why do they get our taxes" shut the fuck up!!!!!!!!
2 months ago
its always the kids that you can tell have no idea what its like to NEED the support low income folks get too
2 months ago
god i WISH we didnt have to rely on that money but unfortunately not everyone can work and some people need to get that through their skulls
2 months ago
tenshinoakuma: exactly
2 months ago
theyre always so disgusted by it too im sorry my family needs money to survive? they act like its a crime as if we are stealing their money for no good reason
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
despite the fact i know so many families, including mine of seven people, who are extremely low income
2 months ago
idk its just a bit gross
2 months ago
i get it. i just wish people would raise their kids to have more sympathy. there are a LOT of worse things our tax dollars go to and they don't seem upset at all by those. it's weird that it's just when it comes to other humans
2 months ago
its kind of funny when they complain about it so loudly in the middle of class as if there arent so many students in this situation. they dont seem to realise oops, they are directly saying "i wish you didnt have the support/income that you do now", and theyre saying TO THEIR FACES
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