In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
[Memes] Are my characters monsterfuckers?... look, if anything they're the monsters.
latest #23
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
And that. Uh. That does change the math a little bit, because is a monster a monster to a monster, or--
Tonberry King
3 weeks ago
Tonberry King
3 weeks ago
monster comma fucker
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
... you know what, that makes sense
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
But in some cases it's a little loose on what it means to be a "monster", too. Red or Sydhar for instance-- they're just, you know, furry dudes. But big scary dog man and big scary rat man could be monster archetypes they fit into, if you're, uh... nearsighted...
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
Chesnaught is far more monstery. He's got spikes and armored plates and he lumbers around and he's categorically a 'pocket monster' (despite being decidedly not pocket-sized). Kind of a kaiju vibe.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
Larus is, in fact, a werewolf, so we have one (1) categorical lock there.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
And then there's Kulve Taroth, who, again, categorical lock. Elder Dragon, in fact.
Red is pretty scary. If you squint.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
Then we get to Doctor Roussette. Aaand that's where things get interesting. I would say that a magically hybridized elf-shark-cuttlefish-frog-ragworm is a monster, in that from-the-deep meets product-of-mad-science sort of way. But.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
She also is, herself, very much a monsterfucker and spends significant amounts of time working with other such hybridized organisms, all slime-bodies and tentacles and crocodilesharkcrabs and stuff. And she-- actually hold on, where'd I put it...
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
Also her boyf is a Deinonychus-looking dude with a weird shapeshifting goo-arm, so, you know, there's that.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
though he was mind-controlled into being a murderous slasher in his own canon, once, and that's... uh... that's definitely scary.
Ah, yes. Terrifying.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
And then there's Kirie. The girl who sees spirits and who constantly faces off against eldritch abominations and has emotional cuts on her emotional bruises on her emotional scars.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
...look, I'll be honest, my headcanon is that she has a binder under her mattress filled with lots of really bad (or at least really trashy) handwritten self-insert vampire/werewolf/pick-your-paranormal-cliche erotic fiction.
A girl of discerning taste.
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
Actually hold on a tic, Red got it on with a dragon at least once, so I think that does qualify him for being a monsterfucker
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
both ends of the spectrum. Monsterfucker and monster, fucker
In A Nutshell
3 weeks ago
cornyflake: poor thing needs her jollies where she can get them, she has a very bad time. (And yes. Impeccable taste.)
3 weeks ago
they be monsters or humanoids, but they are still friends :3
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