3 months ago
man i ventured over to tanagura logs, and i'm a little salty that some of the event stuff seems to be missing. https://images.plurk.com/6vkSBB7O0RzbK1u0GhX7VK.png
latest #55
3 months ago
i was trying to find the point where natsume got a port installed in his neck from leandro and the program uploaded into him that made him go on a stabby spree, but alas
3 months ago
"He'd been released from Leandro's care on the last day of the convention, with orders to go directly back to Matoba." where's the bit including leandro's care, eh? big bad black market dude, how the hell did natsume get caught by that guy? i can't remember
Oh, that's weird. Did they delete the account or something?
3 months ago
program that made him see any dark haired elite as matoba, and controlled his actions so he couldn't stop himself from attacking, with the message intended for matoba: leandro says hello
3 months ago
idk, is there some way to private inbox replies or something?
3 months ago
https://tanaguralogs.dre... the stabbity post itself
3 months ago
the event post related to it linked back to this as a warning for what leandro thinks is fun, but i can't find the interactions from like, even a mod outlining what happened to natsume during the prca event :|a
3 months ago
like obviously it was a thing i signed up for but. where.
You could screen the thread, but I thought you could still see your own comments in screened threads. At least, that's the way it's always been when I've asked a question on a mod contact post or whatever.
I wasn't in the game at that point, but even just looking at the character names takes me back.
3 months ago
yeah i haven't been able to find any screened comments for natsume related to it
3 months ago
if it were a discord thing i've long since left the channel
3 months ago
tl;dr for the post: natsume acted ""normal"" after arriving back at matoba's place (if you can call suddenly wanting to be the perfect pet and follow all the rules normal) and in the middle of the night attacked him with a knife
3 months ago
it appears it was handwaved where hiling rescued matoba and natsume escaped, but natsume ended up running into mephisto while his mind was still locked up in the murder program, so mephisto just looked like another matoba
3 months ago
and then mephisto got stabbed! we'd worked out given natsume's level of spiritual power, it was super effective!
3 months ago
but since natsume's program didn't get the confirmation that matoba was dead, he just left the poor guy to bleed out and wandered off til another potential "matoba" crossed his path
3 months ago
mephisto got help, texted killua who reined in natsume, tears were shed, blood was everywhere, and the plan was for natsume to stay with killua while still being influenced by the program into wanting to be matoba's no.1 perfect pet, much to killua's frustration
3 months ago
(matoba did not actually die)
3 months ago
nolno: belated, but i did happen to ask the mods as tana was in the closing stages, and they said old members could rejoin the comms as long as they didn't try to play from points after they dropped from
3 months ago
i'd tried to ask about it turning into a sandbox, before finding out all the plot heavy stuff they had in the works
Yeah, I was looking at the log you linked last night because I must have requested access with Midorima's account.
3 months ago
oic, i couldn't remember if you had access or not
3 months ago
i do not envy the mods for all the plot threads they had to keep track of
I honestly didn't remember either, but I looked at the list of comm members and tsunverde was there.
3 months ago
"That today's lucky cheese isn't dick shaped is both a blessing and a curse. Blessing because it saves Midorima from listening to the same gross joke several times over the course of the day, curse because it forces that same gross joke to hide between the sturdy hold of square brackets."
3 months ago
i love aomine and midorima
[He uses the crude slang similar to the way he reads off porn titles, with an expression like he just tasted lucky dick cheese.]
I'm laughing but also horrified that I wrote this.
3 months ago
isn't it great rereading old threads lol
And man, I enjoy the people I'm playing with in Peacock right now, but this makes me miss being in a game with a friend I bounce off of this well.
3 months ago
i keep eyeballing peacock but it's been so long since i rp'd that the possibilities of what point to app from feels overwhelming
Freakin Bat
3 months ago
I just realised it's been like six years since that game...
3 months ago
i'm a sucker for sex games tho
3 months ago
3 months ago
oh and i did figure out from past logs that natsume had the port long before the virus slapped him, but still nothing of the leandro interaction
That's still so weird that it disappeared!
3 months ago
if i didn't have that set of messages i can't access i'd think i was going crazy
3 months ago
anyway you should tag that thread and give your friend whiplash--
And then he'd say, "OK, but where are the meme tags you owe me from the current year?"
3 months ago
3 months ago
nolno: https://i.imgur.com/JlriZ7R.jpg i'm back to inflict you with this
3 months ago
-- hey u owe me a tag
Oh no, the pornstache!
I've dropped too many threads in my life!
3 months ago
https://tanaguralogs.dre... midorima causing problems with the green screen smh
A nice touch
3 months ago
i particularly liked the npc in the bg making airplane noises with a dildo to further illustrate the problem
Natsume almost didn't survive that moment.
3 months ago
midorima's pubes were the real danger all along
I had no hesitation in declaring his green.
3 months ago
i love you for it
3 months ago
warsfeil "It's hard to be the imposing Hiiragi when you're carrying a grope-happy teenager covered in tentacle spooge." remember when
3 months ago
3 months ago
poor dude already traumatized by tentacles
3 months ago
i love you for indulging me with your kureto back then
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