[Emeto] The firworks are going off already.
latest #25
I and one of my cats have both stress puked violently.
I don't feel very patriotic.
It's hard being native on the fourth
nice guy goose
3 weeks ago
ughhhh shit :-(
3 weeks ago
yes it is
i'm sorry bb ;; it's so far from dark right now.......why even bother
3 weeks ago
i want to chase the people out back rn. like. get a hobby you lunatic
I don't know, they're so loud. We have had gunshots in our neighborhood so it's triggering that effect for me.
It's not the same sound exactly but it's close
3 weeks ago
praying 2 Creator for the native homies today especially
I'm gonna go play a game with the kiddos and see if that helps me via distraction.
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
/cuddles you and I hope the distraction works
They're still setting off fireworks
And again, more fireworks.
ʏᴜᴋɪ 𝄇
3 weeks ago
What the fuck
at this rate america is a dead horse. please stop beating it.
We had people firing them off in our neighborhood again today. Thankfully the rain cut them off. The usa is a shitshow
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