3 weeks ago
this is cute. my character falls asleep on yours, how do they respond?
latest #11
jason leaves damian to sleep peacefully. then when he wakes up on his own, bullies him relentlessly.
damian very, very slowly slides away from amy until he can safely escape and never returns
3 weeks ago
aw. to the first one. all amy would say is THANK GOD to the second. mortifyingly embarassing for her.
neither amy nor damian will speak of the incident again
3 weeks ago
he's a real one for that
3 weeks ago
Chloe would literally never let him forget it but also nothing bad would happen to him
3 weeks ago
bullying him
Yon Fellow
3 weeks ago
No. Shove.
chris 🌥️
3 weeks ago
this happens in canon but it takes Aelwyn being tortured out of her gourd to make it happen
3 weeks ago
YonFellow: does a backflip to hide how motifyingly embarassed he is. accuses her of being a creep somehow
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