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We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and to the future. To all inspiring motives, to noble deeds which can be gained from the past, we are welcome.
But now is the time, the important time. Your fathers have lived, died, and have done their work, and have done much of it well. You live and must die, and you must do your work. You have no right to enjoy a child's share in the labor of your fathers, unless your children are to be blest by your labors.
anyway yesterday i finished the making of biblical womanhood which is more or less the exact book it purports to be. i kind of wish it was denser and more academic… it is clearly written for an audience of evangelical women who need more handholding than i do. but it's interesting from that perspective too, imo.
apparently (and obviously) this book did upset a lot of complementarian types, and the negative reviews from men use the story she shares of her abuse under patriarchy to be all "well how can you fairly critique patriarchy then" so. y'know.
also finished toward an intellectual history of women by linda kerber, a collection of essays about women in early american history, as well as some about early women academics and the evolving state of the field.
it was published in the 90s so not cutting age scholarship but good for an overview
also like 250ish pages into the third reich in power so that's still happening. there is much more of this book.
3 months ago
whom has not experienced abuse under patriarchy........
3 months ago
I can't believe that song is 25 but also what an interesting article
i regret to inform you it is older than 25 now the article was written 5 years ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
in retrospect I should have realized that when it said the song came out in 94
got some books yesterday
i've been reading further in the third reich in power and there's a chapter about schools/education that's just fascinating.
evans argues (and i will believe him) that the nazis had trouble nazifying the academy because they were anti-intellectual at heart and also fascism is an incoherent non-ideology.
so, accepting that premise, it does raise the question: what did that matter?
just thinking about that and the fact that 19th century germany was really the birthplace of academia-as-profession.
did a meme i took from jeeps !
i love bookstores but i need to stay away from them…
i have become much more of an ebook reader lately and it's because i have limited physical space for books in my studio apartment that is already filled with books.
also when a book reaches a certain size it becomes more comfortable for me to use an ereader like, physically. i use an ipad mini with a matte screen protector, mostly. it's the perfect size for me and it lets me read pdfs.
i do not actually dog ear or use bookmarks i straight up just memorize the page number.
lawful evil.
lawful evil high five
I do love a good book ribbon
a cursed bird.
2 months ago
chaotic good over here
a cursed bird.
2 months ago
by merit of my terrible memory
to be clear, i often fail to memorize the page number, it's not a perfect system
oh, i have read some of these nyt best of 21st century books
𝔰𝔲𝔟 𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔞
2 months ago @Edit 2 months ago
i read david blight's frederick douglass bio. but race and reunion is better.
i've read the warmth of other suns! i'd probably like wolf hall if i got around to reading it.
started and finished carrie soto is back since a library hold came in… think i reserved this after watching challengers.
i still don't really understand tennis.
a cursed bird.
2 months ago
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