3 weeks ago
My character falls asleep on yours, what happens next?
latest #27
3 weeks ago
Nuvia would take good care of him. She'll make sure he is warm and comfy.
night sky adjusts so she can cuddle up against him and sleep too. :]
3 weeks ago
Eve, on the other hand, will check if he is sleeping in the correct place otherwise, she is forcing him awake by pulling his cheek. Don't be an idiot. :|
3 weeks ago
Oh I should probably mention that Arrakis becomes unnaturally cold to the touch when he's asleep so that might affect things lol
3 weeks ago
Nuvia is a cloud girl with water manipulation. She likes the cold more than the heat. Eve would kick him though.
lehna holds him close and gives him forehead kees
3 weeks ago
misskoely Nuvia: that's so sweet! Arrakis will appreciate it. Eve: lol but he likes sleeping here! And was the kick really necessary?
3 weeks ago
elfwife he's never getting up now
3 weeks ago
edragoons that's so cute!
3 weeks ago
Eve: Oh? You like to be most vulnerable in the open where someone can easily slit your throat, hmm? I suppose I could keep it in mind for next time. (yes the kick was necessary).
3 weeks ago
ok that's fair but he trusts Eve so he would be fine
3 weeks ago
Crash would curl with and snuggle in return
3 weeks ago
Eve: Hah!? You think I'm going to coddle you!? 8( (she may sound outrage but it's to hide the fact his trust does make her feel happy but will never admit this detail)
3 weeks ago
aww Crash is so sweet! Altair is a very light sleeper so he would probably wake up first, bristle a little as his carelessness before reluctantly resting a bit longer. This is nice even if he won't admit it
A Lil Crazy
3 weeks ago
Jasmine would ever so slowly try to reposition him in case his closer CR would be upset /shot
Angel would carefully move so he can be properly settled somewhere
3 weeks ago
LilCosgrove Arrakis would appreciate both of them and he would apologize when he wakes up, as well as thank them for looking out of him. Angel doing so will make him very curious. New victim for friendship maybe?
Yon Fellow
3 weeks ago
Sadly, as with most people, Arrakis gets unceremoniously dropped or shoved
Yon Fellow
3 weeks ago
Azula gonna zul
A Lil Crazy
3 weeks ago
Pff, "victim" for friendship
3 weeks ago
YonFellow yeah he expected as much, although he will study Azula for any subtle hints that she was worried about him
3 weeks ago
LilCosgrove that's what he playfully refers to all his friends since he's very persistent
A Lil Crazy
3 weeks ago
Luckily for him, Angel's very receptive to friends despite not being very sociable XD
3 weeks ago
ooh noted!
3 weeks ago
Klaus just gonna sit there until he can't sit still anymore and then tap Arrakis or just casually slide out and go.
3 weeks ago
kingdonkey lol luckily for Klaus Arrakis doesn't sleep for very long. He would thank Klaus for staying with him, but if he slept too long and Klaus left him then Arrakis will tease him mercilessly
3 weeks ago
Marina would 10/10 just be like, "Ew. Wake up" and push him off
3 weeks ago
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