1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
i'm going to be insufferable about billy! playing ZZZ when it goes live https://images.plurk.com/1VEmw7BhLgmcLKBExLNrji.png
latest #140
i'm def going to keep playing
it sucks that it came out right when i'm about to start dawntrail tho
if not for dawntrail this would prob be my go to stream game for like the next week or two
took my controller apart, tried to clean it, dunno if it worked tho
okay there's nothing wrong with my controller its just ZZZ
idk how to fix it if the game itself thinks i'm constantly pushing up on the joystick when i'm not
anyway if anyone else is trying to play with a ps4 controller are you having the same issue?
man i can't find any way to connect my ps4 controller to pc that isn't either wired (which i don't have) or using ds4 (which doesn't work with zzz)
i've tried to connect it with just bluetooth but it won't
it requires i use ds4 if i want to connect via bluetooth
1 weeks ago
I'm using an XBOX style controller. Technically an 8bitdo wired controller.
1 weeks ago
I've had a few issues, but nothing terrible.
yeah i'm going to have to look into getting another controller if i want to play this game
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
because, for whatever reason, ds4 makes the game think i'm holding down up on the stick when i'm not
like m/kb isn't the worst but i hate clicking constantly to attack
oooo theres a pastel purple 8bitdo
1 weeks ago
I've got the one that's basically set up like a PS4 controller.
1 weeks ago
I never had an XBOX, so I never got used to the wonky positions of the sticks.
yeah i was looking at the ps4 ones but they only come in black and grey which is boring! they also look cheaper
if it works, it works, but i want something cute
1 weeks ago
Mouse and keyboard isn't terrible?
1 weeks ago
Says the person who refuses to use it for Genshin.
oh its terrible for genshin
i hate how it feels for that game
but for zzz it isn't too bad, it's mostly left click to attack, right click to dodge, e for special skill, q for ultimate and space to swap
it feels fine, i just hate clicking repeatedly, my fingers can't take that shit
genshin feels like its all over the keyboard and i hate that
1 weeks ago
Yeah, I moved it off of the controller when I was playing Snake and haven't gone back yet.
i don't think i could play snake on the controller that seems really finicky lol
1 weeks ago
It's not completely terrible, but I grew up (showing my age) with it on the keyboard, so.
yeah i only ever played it on pc, same with a lot of old arcade games (tho some i did actually play on ancient arcade machines)
1 weeks ago
Go for ancient arcade machines.
it was mostly pacman and some fighting game, i can't remember which one
1 weeks ago
My mom was more about pinball machines when we were out. And taunting me that I was terrible (at 8-) at driving games.
oh yeah we def did the pinball thing (also had that pinball game on pc lol)
god i'm seeing so much hate for wise and like, why???
yeah his design is kinda boring but i adore him
also eyebags need i say more?
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Wise is adorable.
i sat there for prob 3 mins trying to decide, belle is really cute but the eyebags won out in the end
he is me, permanent eyebags from staring at screens all day
1 weeks ago
I mean, from what I can tell, it's mostly your running-around-town character anyway?
1 weeks ago
So it doesn't make a whole lot of difference.
they seem to have the same amount of spoken dialogue from what i've played so far
also i've picked the guy with the past two games, might as well keep up the tradition
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
i will say, belle has been my fav design of the female leads so far
i think she's also naturally grey-haired like her brother, her eyebrows are grey, she totally dyes her hair blue
1 weeks ago
The game is just pretty.
1 weeks ago
I have to say. I do kind of wish there was combat like Wuthering Waves. I loved the combat in that game but couldn't get past some of the text bugs.
i didn't even try wuwa, it just didn't interest me lol
1 weeks ago
I heard a lot about the traveling system (Genshin-style hiking up mountains...but better) and the combat.
1 weeks ago
And both were amazing. If it had a plot to match, it would have been a contender against ZZZ and Genshin.
see i also didn't like genshin that much
like i did at first but now it just seems too daunting to try to catch up or even enjoy the game
1 weeks ago
Oh, see, I've got this checklist and I'm just going through whenever I feel like story.
1 weeks ago
It's in order of original release.
1 weeks ago
So I'm kind of experiencing the story as intended, more or less.
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
Is me, btw.
let me login and add
1 weeks ago
Although I think I'm done for the night. I should hurry and do my dailies in HSR.
gdi it still won't let me change my name
i didn't like genshin much either but i do enjoy wuwa's combat
it definitely scratch my soulslike itch a bit for that dodge and parry system game
i put in belle because i didn't realize it was gonna be my gd username and i wanna change it game let me change
zzz has the dodge and parry a bit too but more fun
the game allows you to change!
go to profile
where you can pick your avatar and set birthday etc
i did but it tells me too many changes are happening, try again later
and today was trying again later and still it wont let me
ah then wait a bit i guess? since we use UID instead?
anyway, here's my uid: 1000175371
i wonder what the limit on signature is because i found something cursed
wait can i not c/p? ;0;
1 weeks ago
There's a limit on the note you can add. I tried adding your username and it didn't like the full name.
1 weeks ago
You are now rubberspace
oh wait there it goes
i go by nol so you could use that
1 weeks ago
True, but if I use the username, I can find you if I want to poke you about something. Not that multiplayer is really a thing yet.
fair enough
i guess no cross server adding as usual...
i probably should have go NA cause there's no ping limitation
oh yeah probably
don't wanna change cause likely won't get my wolfman...
this is fine i'm always asia...
1 weeks ago
miershyk: Oooh, you got Lycaon, too?
1 weeks ago
He's so fun.
i havent done a pull yet
debating on doing it now or waiting til i stream it next
i'll be honest, i have billy so i'm happy lmao
1 weeks ago
Billy is adorable.
i love him so much
legit the only reason i decided to play
cuz i've really just not been a big a fan of hoyoverse games
(also only reason is a joke, other reason is the style and the music)
1 weeks ago
I really like Honkai?
i...log in to honkai from time to time but i have legit not actually played the game since release lol
zandroid: yeah got it from the guaranteed ssr so i was glad i got him instead of the others
which is why i'm hesitant to switch to NA server
and i think i like honkai more cause... less headache-y for me from running around...
i do like the turn based combat but doing anything else just leaves me going "id rather play ffxiv" lmao
it's why i can't play wuwa too long
1 weeks ago
Yeah. I grew up in the age of turn-based RPGs.
1 weeks ago
And I was always less into action games. About as action as I got were platformers.
i'm all over the place with the kind of combat i enjoy, i just have a ffxiv addiction
1 weeks ago
My mom was a platformer (Mario, Sonic, etc.) and my dad did mostly Tetris.
my mother was a huge zelda fan, my grandmother tetris, my stepdad donkey kong
and mario
1 weeks ago
I usually did adventure games on my own. I came into Final Fantasy with VI.
we were def a nintendo household for a long time
i didn't learn ff existed until 8
1 weeks ago
Oh god. I apparently asked my mom to wake me when she beat Zelda.
my jrpg was secret of mana (not including zelda)
1 weeks ago
I was older. 16, 17?
my mother had notebooks full of maps for her runs
maps and other notes for the original game and for links awkaening
1 weeks ago
But that was only a few years after VI came out in the first place.
might had had notes for 2 as well but 2 was a completely different kind of game
Arko || COMMS OPEN! (@arkonion) on Xwarning for high pitched screaming but she's so cute
i'm fucking dying
lol poor water kid. not shark woman...
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
poor kobo, i hope she gets ellen
1 weeks ago
Okay, I was adding everyone and checking my friends' stuff and was amused that the only character you added to your personal homepage thing was Billy.
1 weeks ago
Also heads up, there is a daily check in. I didn't notice it at first, but when I went to check in on the app for Honkai and Genshin, it was there.
yeah i e been trying to dot he checkin
man it's crazy how little ppl are doing with actual combat compared to how complex the combat actually is
6 days ago @Edit 6 days ago
random person on twitter: its just button mashing and character switching
the actual combat: positionals matter, perfect dodge matters, switching characters at the right time matters, button input actually matters
this is why i need a gd controller
i have the money to get one now but the one i want doesn't release til to 15th so i wait...
5 days ago
Which one did you want?
figured i might as well get the one that's supposed to have a stronger stick
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