time for me to ramble about a 14 adjacent dream i had... yes it revolved around zenos...
latest #17
for whatever reason the man always ends up my husband/boyfriend/whatever in dreams
anyway the setting was like...not really a magic school/college but like there was not your normal classes. like we had alchemy and how to free someone from voidsent possession and stuff like that
anyway, zenos is like top student and all the girls are into him but he's uninterested in them all blahblahblah
his family, instead of being royalty, are like OLD and have been voidsent hunters since forever so there's a lot of pressure on him to be perfect and his upbringing was p similar to canon
so like with all the girls, well p much everyone, he will be outright rude and even physically push them away if he doesn't want them around, but with whoever i was in the dream he'd run, usually to somewhere remoteish, like he was expecting me to give chase
i never did because it'd be like, idk up what appeared to be an elevator shaft into the building's attic space and shit like that
anyway, it eventually came down to the possession 101 class or whatever, all the students were given a pen that worked in a couple of ways: 1. it could be used as a weapon to fight the possessed and 2. could be used to free someone from possession by writing "human" in english or chinese on the possessed (dunno why either but whatever)
anyway, some idiot decided they were going to summon a voidsent to put the pen to the test and of course ended up possessed themself
zenos i guess sensed the voidsent and comes in to deal with only to get attacked by the student, he gets a cut on his chest the voidsent goes on to possess him because he's bigger and stronger
but he's also got a voidsent pact for the whole hunting thing so while that voidsent is trying to wrestle control i go over and write human on zenos and that's that
except it like flips a switch in his head because most ppl don't treat him like he's human, he doesn't even see himself as human because of his upbringing
not like in angsty way but like he wholly embraces being a "monster"
and then idk where it really went from there other than him like becoming obsessed and i guess we started dating
all the girls were jealous but like wouldn't do anything because zenos is fucking scarily protective and would have destroyed them lmao
also turned out i wasn't entirely human, i was like some kind of voidsent/muse hybrid thing that thought i was entirely human, idk dream got really weird
didn't have any special powers as far as i could tell
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