latest #27
went and had lunch with a friend of mine who just got out of a very messy breakup and she has the same name as me, so I asked him to start calling her Voldemort
after a few minutes of talking about his relationship issues with Voldemort it got very funny so I think he feels a little better now
I had this apple butter cider and oh my god it was good
also, this week on characters I miss playing:
what right does he have to look so SOFT while also looking all like that and junk
i did a bunch of net tags before i left for lunch that i didn't track
dean → nate
dean → michael
dean → steve
dean → cas
jack → river
is crane the only therapist in game rn lol
lol yeah
amazing haha
jack did a session with him
it sure was something
i live with the dream that one day ami will play lance sweets again and app him in
on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, someone app hannibal
omg pls app hannibal, him and crane as the only therapists would be so fuckn funny
lance sweets is a good boy too precious for this world
ami's lance is fucking incredible amiasha shoutout 2 u
but yes lmao tagteam duo hannibal crane therapizing abraxas sure would be a time
MAYBE SOMEDAY like if I make the mistake of rewatching any bones
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