1 weeks ago
So I've played Dawntrail up to finishing the first dungeon now. My thoughts within!
latest #15
1 weeks ago
Go home, Bakool Ja Ja, no one likes you.
1 weeks ago
Like at least our other antagonist has a plan. Bakool is just The Worst.
1 weeks ago
Liking Wuk Lamat a lot so far. She's a lot of fun :3
1 weeks ago
Much enjoying getting to know Tural as well. :-)
1 weeks ago
I have a theory currently about how this is all gonna play out in the end but I'm not gonna state it here til I see more evidence.
1 weeks ago
Ended off tonight having beaten the second dungeon and looking for Valigarmanda.
1 weeks ago
Also what the absolute fuck Bakool?! With two heads you'd think at least one of them would be sane, but apparently not.
...Welp that explains a lot. Guess telling Bakool to go home wouldn't have done much good.
Hah! I was right! Wuk lamat and Koana ended up ruling together!
Also I love how Alisaie says what we're all thinking upon finding long-buried advanced tech. XD
...And after finding some Source versions of some old friends, it seems the 'relatively relaxing vacation' portion of the expansion is over.
And apparently Krile is from another world. Who knew?
In any case, off to see a man about a dome.
And after much much stuff and many feels I add a new comment to post a pun.
'Remembird'. I see what you did there, game.
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