3 weeks ago
Castmates I want...
latest #12
3 weeks ago
Well the odds are basically nil, but if I could get a Monika, Yuri, Natsuki, or any combination thereof to app into I would be utterly delighted.
3 weeks ago
Advantage of playing from a small canon: You can literally just say "the entire cast" and it's fine.
3 weeks ago
I know a Monika player, but I think she's rather sheepish around smut.
3 weeks ago
Melodie? Yeah no, wouldn't recommend it to her.
3 weeks ago
I love her Monika, don't get me wrong, but yeah, this is not her game.
3 weeks ago
As for Natsuki and Yuri... I know like, one person who has played Yuri, and I've never seen a Nat in the wild.
3 weeks ago
I know like three or four people who could play a great Natsuki, but DDLC has triggering content for at least one or two of them, so...
3 weeks ago
Yeah Melodie lol. I didn't know if you guys had met or not.
3 weeks ago
Oh I've known her since Noct.
/reaches for.
I just want to be in a game w/ you again.
3 weeks ago
Well the app's pretty easy, so it shouldn't be hard.
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