1 weeks ago
latest #24
j ♡
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹
j ♡
1 weeks ago
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹grabbing youuu
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 Hiii babyy <33 I ran out of emotions to use, oops
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹Hehe it’s okay lovely! How’s my angel been? I missed you sooo much :{
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 I’ve been okay!! I went out this morning and bought a cookie earlier since I was craving one. I missed you sooo much more handsome
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹WHAT KIND? I love cookies they’re my favorite dessert,,, I’m glad you’ve been okay
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 Umm I don’t know what kind,, it’s just a frosted one and I dunno if it’s even good but I’m probably gonna eat it in a bit. I’ve missed you agh spinning you
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 I forgot the cookie said princess But it’s cute
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹awww that’s adorable. I missed you too lovely.. been toooo long
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 I took a few bites out of it already but it’s way too sweet for my liking 😵‍💫 it tastes like the frosting on those cheap cupcakes you’d get from Walmart
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹Eeekkk I don’t like those cupcakes, they hurt my stomach reeaaal bad. Sighhh it looks cute tho
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 Yeah,, this cookie kinda made my stomach hurt too I don’t even think imma finish it 🤢 but now I’m thinking of those other cookies from Walmart
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 Oh yeah 🤤 these make me feel some type of way
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹THOSE ARE SOOO GOOD!!! I’d suck dick for those.. so good I love them I need them now
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 You don’t say,, maybe I should go and buy some then hehe ;-)
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹I think you just want your dick sucked
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 Fineee you got me Not a crime for me to want that though, is it?
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹I guess nottt, I wouldn’t mind of course
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 Of course you wouldn’t, I know what kind of man you are,, you sick freakkk
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹You’re not any better my love :}
j ♡
1 weeks ago
🍀 Oh, but I really don’t know what you’re talking about,, maybe you could enlighten me as to how I’m not any better? Maybe in private? (goodluck)
1 weeks ago
hugslut: 🩹Yes sir.... discord?? Meow,,,,,????
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