3 weeks ago
[RL] So I went and got all my remaining teethies pulled and implants put in. I will be paying for it for the rest of my life, and also right now I looked like the Hulk punched me in the mouth. But I'll have teeth again, yay!
latest #30
3 weeks ago
They all rotted out due to meds, so it has been a long time coming and I finally had the last good one break so I had literally no chewing tooth.
3 weeks ago
Ugh, well, at least implants are worth it. I have two because I was congenitally deficient.
3 weeks ago
They are, I'm excited to have teeth again. It's just a temporary now and I get the actual teeth in about four months. I'm glad you got the two you needed too, then.
3 weeks ago
The only thing is that it's sometimes really hard if things get trapped between the gumline and the actual tooth.
3 weeks ago
There are potential spots real teeth wouldn't have depending on how well the socket forms.
3 weeks ago
Ohh. Does the waterpik help?
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
It's more that it can be irritating and you get used to learning which foods might get caught where, just like with real teeth.
3 weeks ago
ah, I gotcha. :-)
3 weeks ago
And there are spots that wouldn't exist because teeth are solid, and you're now wearing something that's attached to a bolt.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I've had mine for over 20 years now.
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I had one exciting episode, but luckily the crown failed because the pin going into the implant failed, and nothing with the implant itself.
3 weeks ago
And the initial surgery was a pain because the orthodontist and the surgeon couldn't coordinate what to do so there were a lot of questions about the loss of bone density.
3 weeks ago
ahh. apparently i had a good amount of bone to work with, so it didn't need grafts or anything.
3 weeks ago
Yeah, and i know they've made advances in how the anchoring works.
3 weeks ago
Just stay on top of the pain meds for the first couple of days.
3 weeks ago
Yeah, I'm nicely medicated.
3 weeks ago
I got lucky I could just live on the couch the first couple days and be handed soup and such.
3 weeks ago
If there's a place you can get shaved ice, that was my favorite recovery food.
damn that's so scary! good for you, hopefully you will feel a lot better having done it
3 weeks ago
Oh yeah, that's a good idea. My sister's going out, I'll have her pick some up!
3 weeks ago
Halfbloodly I was put under mostly, so I don't really remember it. I was pretty nervous going in though!
what is the difference between these ones and the ones you'll have in four weeks?
I legit know absolutely nothing about this so!
3 weeks ago
The ones I'll get recently are better made, to last for four months while I heal. Then the finals go in, which are zarconica and very strong and will also be more tailored to me in turns of shade and such.
oh, very nice
3 weeks ago
Shaved ice was better than ice cream or apple sauce because it was cold enough to numb, but easy on an empty stomach. Smoothies were also good.
3 weeks ago
Yeah, I got some stuff to make smoothies, so I'll do that in the morning.
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