latest #44
Gonna let tags be as short or as long as they end up being to try and get through this and get on a roll
Usually I try and put more in for the sake of having enough to respond to and then my tags end up novel length, so here's to trying to strike a balance.
that's a mood
Will > Jamie. Please enjoy the stupid history joke I left in there for you.
Wolfe > Stephen. A joke! But also, damn son you look good
Wolfe > Amelia. Mine (cont.)
Wolfe > Jamie. There's also a medieval European belief that if a daffodil blossom drops as you look at it, it's an omen of death but I couldn't work that into the tag even though I've decided that would absolutely be a Ferelden thing lmao
Serina615 Wolfe might suggest D'Artagnan as a potential contract to Amelia to reach out to, if that's cool?
Wolfe > D'Artagnan. He has learned not to just offer her as a prospective contract though fff
2 days ago
Go for it! I'm gonna laugh OOC because she and D'Artagnan have had quite the history already (first going after each other because of nightmares, then an unexpectedly sexy encounter a couple months later). XD
lol WELL he doesn't know that
Wolfe > Amelia. Blood magic
2 days ago
Yeeeah she told him she accidentally almost killed someone from nightmares, but definitely didn't go into more detail than that. And the bathhouse thing it's like "well, he (at the time) is a Dom so let's not tempt the city's surveillance. >>;;; "
Will > Malcolm. Military intelligence
Will > Thomas B. Kiss
Wolfe > Caleb. Done.
Will > Toby. Sorry he's a little mean..
2 days ago
klajserkj this is hilarious
Toby's just been so damn irreverent and smug that it makes Will wanna take him down a peg
Not like humiliate him or anything, just serve him a little bit
You're just poking the troll, Will. He'll come up with something that makes you have to up the ante again. (LOL)
lmao we'll see!
Well now I see where this thread with D'Artagnan is and I'm laughing even harder. The both of them going to have such an awkward UHHH moment when they realize Hawke is trying to set them up. (I love every part of this, FYI) XD
Not in a bad way! Mostly a "oh gods this is AWKWARD" way.
Because they are so damn awkward with each other.
Hawke is just up in arms at D'Artagnan being like 'Does she know you're setting her up?' and he's just like IM NOT IM ASKING IF YOU MIND IF I FLOAT THE IDEA.
that is not the same thing!!!
It's true! She'll be a little annoyed, but only because she's been trying on her own and failing but she's still trying lol. He didn't give her name right away and that's soooo much better than it was before.
She appreciates you looking out for her, Wolfe. She will still be the smallest bit grumpy because that's just how she is about this whole situation. l;ksaejrlk (sorry bud)
hfff he's just trying to help and he thinks you two seditious stabbys could manage to do some damage together
They could, if they're not getting stabby at each other. >>;
(which was the city's fault last time so... it's probably fine lol)
She promises to tell you if it goes otherwise. <3
Honestly, Dakota and I are having a good giggle about this. It's great all around.
oh excellent, I was worried a bit lol
I realize my phrasing was poor and I apologize for that. I promise it's all good!
no you're fine! I was worried about it before even suggesting it without asking the other mun
Fair! You are definitely good, though.
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