فك يو
4 days ago @Edit 4 days ago
does anyone play Pikmin Bloom and want to be friends; I just redownloaded it a few weeks ago and it's so cute https://images.plurk.com/JXJtHz3hnJiPziRZ5agbE.jpg
latest #23
فك يو
4 days ago
my favorite kind of mobile game
ebb & flow
4 days ago
oh I do
ebb & flow
4 days ago
you picked a good time to redownload imo since this month is shell pikmin
فك يو
4 days ago
yes! much cuter than last month's milk bottles
ebb & flow
4 days ago
فك يو
4 days ago
trying to figure out how to share a friend code
ebb & flow
4 days ago
tap your name and then friends should be up in the top left corner
فك يو
4 days ago
got it! internet is very slow rn
ebb & flow
4 days ago
added you back!
فك يو
4 days ago
فك يو
4 days ago
i used it for a bit a couple years ago, then had to delete because the app took up too much space. i'm delighted with all my free gbs on this phone
seeing these two plurks show up healed my soul. I do not have it though, enjoy
ebb & flow
4 days ago
crabgirl: you could say your soul is now... blooming
فك يو
4 days ago
download it!!!!!!
فك يو
4 days ago
also I 1) think "cheating" in this kind of noncompetitive game is harmless if that's what someone wants to do, and 2) do not cheat in this kind of game because what's the point, but whenever this train goes slow enough it definitely thinks I'm walking and gives me steps, lol oops
فك يو
4 days ago
I can tell Google Fit I was in a vehicle and get them removed from that app, but I don't think I can do that here
4 days ago
Hey, the train is taking steps for you! ....also I didn't know this existed, I'm headed to download now. >_>
فك يو
4 days ago
it's very fun. arg-ish but without intense time commitments; I was easily able to pick back up right where I left off after two years away
فك يو
4 days ago
(I truly think more real-time games need to consider the fact that the trade-off for "I'm motivated to log in every day and maintain my streak/earn my check-in reward!" is "oops, I missed a couple days and my count reset back to the beginning; no point in ever playing again I guess"
فك يو
4 days ago
I think I offset all my fake steps by walking back and forth along the train for like 15 minutes (surely not counted bc we are going fast)
فك يو
2 days ago
just discovered that you can also send the postcards your little guys sometimes bring home, so I sent you both deliveries
2 days ago
aww, nice!
ebb & flow
2 days ago
oh yeah I do that sometimes too! when I get yours I will send one back
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