july | https://images.plurk.com/2ZshcWGaUSAUhpy42Gx8Xr.png
latest #45
it's high summer but it doesn't feel that way to me, maybe because it's been overcast more often than not here.
i've decided my goal for this month is to catch up on daredevil
Let us know how it is
1 weeks ago
she continues to be such an adorable cat.
cat burglar
1 weeks ago @Edit 1 weeks ago
pls boop her nose for me ;n;
i did scratch her belly when she was sprawled out like this
1 weeks ago
and now she has to clean it from your human hand
hey!! she also cleaned my hand!!
1 weeks ago
she smart
terrible news: the purse i ordered is out of stock
i think i found the same bag from another seller (for $100 cheaper no less) but we'll see
i am thirsty for this bag
red wolf
1 weeks ago
ohhh nooo did they refund you??
they offered to but also offered to send an alternate bag if i wanted that instead.
this is definitely her new spot
it's super easy and when i went to get my haircut yesterday my stylist was amazed how soft/silky my hair is
still not as soft as abigail… but what is?
in the window today
red wolf
4 days ago
good place for her
a cursed bird.
4 days ago
ooo that hair mask
a cursed bird.
4 days ago
ftr i have fine hair with quite a bit of wave to it (i straighten it out)
one of the joys of having a cat is thinking "wow i wish i were petting a cat right now" and the cat appears!!
went to see maxxxine, i liked it even though i haven't seen x or pearl (though i did read a summary to get the gist)
want to wear a lot of her shoes…
but now i am out of the theater and it is too hot.
sooo my carbon monoxide alarm went off.
love to start my day off with an evacuation and emergency services call.
a cursed bird.
13 hours ago
i too saw maxxxine without seeing x or pearl
a cursed bird.
13 hours ago
tho maybe i should watch those and improve my overall conception of maxxxine
it's fine now, the fire department has come and gone and there is no carbon monoxide.
abigail is very agitated though.
and yeah! i might watch x/pearl now.
a cursed bird.
13 hours ago
poor abigail
my bag came!
a cursed bird.
11 hours ago
gasp. lovely.
ohhhh it's so cute
i am quite pleased with it. i really wanted the blue color!!
it's the a.p.c. grace baguette bag which i have coveted for a bit. glad i went with the fullsize and not the clutch version.
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