Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
[USPol] / [ITN] / [mute]Trump Sends IMPROPER MESSAGE to Supreme Courtwelp
latest #208
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
alkdsjas;lkdja;slk WHY IS KANYE WEST COLLUDING WITH PUTIN??????????? FUCK
3 months ago @Edit 3 months ago
i'm still boggling at the "everything is legal if you say you did it officially" position
3 months ago
like how is telling the vice president literally to not do his job an official duty of the president
3 months ago
even the justices who supported that ruling wrote comments implying they weren't actually comfortable with it, which is extra weird??? like they knew it was a bad ruling??????
3 months ago
"this immunity is really very narrow" not in the ruling you supported it isn't. or are you saying "official acts" is very narrow??????
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I don't get why they even took it. They're just kicking it back down but it was already there???????
3 months ago
Halo (@Halo) on XWhat are we doing with the limited time of out brief lives
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
yeah idk maybe they were just trying to buy time for Trump knowing that it'll have to come back for "ok but what does "official" mean???" review anyway?
3 months ago
...also yeah I don't get why the "how would this animal wear jeans" meme is so popular when there's almost always one option that makes any sense, and one or two only make sense as "haha well that looks silly it's not that!" answers.
3 months ago
if you want to draw an animal wearing clothes that don't make sense, you don't need the pretext of a meme you can just draw it
3 months ago
...is there additional information in that one? XD
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
how are people actually parsing it? (thinking) like I get that it means the prosecution has to more specifically argue that criminal acts were not "official acts," whatever that means, but..?
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
exactly. Oh and it gets worse
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Because they also said that Jack Smith was inccorectly/illegally assigned they gave Canon free reign TO THROW OUT THE FL case even though you can't POSSIBLY argue that AFTER THE FACT was legitimate POTUS duties
3 months ago
3 months ago
...wait who said that
3 months ago
3 months ago
........are you saying that the SCOTUS ruling explicitly says "former presidents have immunity with respect to official acts during their presidency, and also this particular former president has immunity to what is obvious not an official act and was done after his presidency"? Because that sounds sloppy and unsubtle even by Thomas standards.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
No I'm summarizing it. If you want the explicit legal jargon and word for word ruling you can watch lawyers parse it or
3 months ago
...okay that... sounds like a lot of very big leaps from what I've actually read.
3 months ago
Even the concurring notes backed away from the kind of blanket immunity that's implied-but-not-explicitly-stated in the ruling.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
In a historic decision, a divided Supreme Court on Monday ruled that former presidents can never be prosecuted for actions relating to the core powers of their office, and that there is at least a presumption that they have immunity for their official acts more broadly.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Literally what they said
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
“If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed,” Thomas contended, “it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people. The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the Special Counsel’s appointment before proceeding.”
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Trump is just goign to claim "keeping the boxes where I Could access them and the ILLEGAL government by Biden is absolutely official President duties" (He already is mind you)
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
+ Judge Canon also was entertaining a bunch of hearings claiming that ^ Jack Smith is erroneously appointed and not allowed to try the case, EVEN THOUGH THAT IS NOT HER PURVIEW
3 months ago
yeah Thomas is a hack but that's not the majority position that's Thomas being a hack
3 months ago
I don't see how the majority ruling addresses the FL case at all tho
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
But they still signalled to Canon "Go ahead and do this while we break for Summer and then that will take all the time Trump needs to become dictator and make us moot"
3 months ago
Thomas adding "also by the way we should outlaw Democrats running for office" to his concurring note wouldn't make it a Supreme Court ruling, it would make him a nut
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
oh they were definitely buying him time, that much is for sure, but I think more by making a sort of non-ruling
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
However it IS a signal to Canon
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Just because it's a dog whistle doesn't mean dogs won't hear it
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
And that's what Polpock said too (not the dog metaphor)
3 months ago
their ruling basically says "former presidents cannot be criminally charged for things that it's OK for them to do" and then were mostly evasive about discussing what it's actually OK for them to do and even acknowledged that it's really hard to pin that down
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Oh and they also said anything that is official conduct can't be used in motivation either
3 months ago
it's a dangerously broad precedent, but it's also a super vague one to keep courts fighting over it without absolutely pinning them down to anything too indefensible
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
so there's a thing with Canon again trying to argue that some of the core evidence to proof/motive needed to be thrown out for being Presidential
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Welcome to 2024
3 months ago
yeah I think they're mostly trying to just muddy the waters and keep things vague and hard to prosecute until Trump can get into office and derail it, or just keep pushing it back as much as possible
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
And the only solution is to literally overwhelmingly vote to rid the country of the Republican party so that the judges can then be impeached next year. Literally. THE solution.
3 months ago
Yeah basically
3 months ago
unfortunately we've established a pretty strong precedent of just... not... holding SC justices accountable at all, so even if the GOP lost half their seats I'm not convinced congress would act
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Then we need to force the Dems to grow a fucking backbone and ltierally only vote NOT jellyfish as well
3 months ago
that and the Democrats, being the actually literally conservative party, really don't mind making a fuss or taking a strong stand on things or breaking tradition
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
because I'm not alone in saying "aren't you sick of this????? They're literally allowing money to kill us for imaginary profits"
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Biden can't save you, establishment Dems WON'T. You need to save everyone else you can.
3 months ago
I mean I can sympathize with the literally-conservative inclination, the stabilizing effect of traditions has a lot of value--if they're not pathological or being hideously abused by malicious actors
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
and if there's any evidence that they are, you need clear, unambiguous guidelines for when and why you act outside tradition
3 months ago
for example, ethics guidelines for the SCOTUS
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
No. Even then relying on "BUT IT'S TRADITIIIIOOON" is bullshit and the fucking problem because if there's no consequences to breaking it? IT DOESN'T EXIST
3 months ago
put it in writing that there are lines beyond which impeachment is unambiguously appropriate, because otherwise, people will hesitate to make a fuss or "spend political capital" even though it's largely imaginary
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
But at that point it's less about tradition, and more about ethics, literal history, and common fucking sense
3 months ago
the consequence of violating tradition isn't that you get punished, it's that it becomes increasingly okay to violate tradition, and you lose a stabilizing force that keeps people from doing shit like what the GOP is doing these days
3 months ago
undermining actual tradition and replacing it with fairy tale made-up ahistorical tradition is a core fascist strategy
3 months ago
that's not the same as thoughtfully and rigorously interrogating whether a particular tradition is good or not
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
right, I'm okay with that, but there also needs to be core guidelines OF consequences or else people WILL do this shit. Always have. for 6000+ years
3 months ago
not all traditions are good, a lot of them are shit, and those ones should be dismantled in a deliberate and thoughtful way, because let's be honest, "laws should actually be applied in good faith" is ultimately a tradition since and meaningless to state as law
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Yes and there should be fucking consequences to that too
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
OH and they also said Trump can't be prosecuted for any the Jan 6 stuff because his convos pressuring Pence to break the law is ~~~MAGICALLY IMMUNE~~~~
3 months ago
they don't say not any but they definitely attacked several of the charges, including that one--but they also pointed out that the Pence thing in particular is unclear because the VP's role in that case isn't actually an executive branch power
3 months ago
they did seem to pretty strongly imply that there's no such thing as illegal orders, if they come from the president, which is uh
3 months ago
again something I suspect they would back away from frantically if presented with an example they don't like
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Like having Seal Team 6 assassinate IDK THE SCOTUS THEMSELVES? for being a threat to the US?
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
BECAUSE MIND YOU Trump's lawyers DID POINT BLANK Argue that POTUS has immunity for that
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Death Race 2000 shit
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
well I'm going to bed before mood and mgiraine get any worse :V nak
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
<3 I just have to remember Anne Frank
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Most people are good.
3 months ago
yeah from what I recall they were asked if assassinating rivals would be okay and they were like "uhhh well um when you put it like that uhhhhh maybe?????" which you'd think would get an argument to be taken less seriously
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Answer: lead in water
Meth in ppl
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
The housing market is ‘stuck’ until at least 2026, B...cc you're in bed you should sleep not doomscroll
3 months ago
......as it's been pointed out, part of the reason Florida is like this is that the way they report police ledgers makes it especially easy to scrape them for weird incidents to report. ...............but that's definitely not the only factor.
3 months ago
3 months ago
...I'm very suspicious of the "people aren't moving home, that's why it's hard to buy a home!" argument. I get that liquidity in a market is a factor, but someone moving to another home doesn't actually change the supply.
3 months ago
"Building more homes would help, but that's not happening" ok but why is that not happening??? That sort of unanswered, unasked question always makes me deeply suspicious that there's something being deliberately not examined.
3 months ago
In this case, because that's not where banks see the most short-term profit for them.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
Have you gone to sleep yet?
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I did and came back o/
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
So good I posted it twice
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I recc everyone see that, it's short
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Biden if you're King now, why don't you arrest Trump, the 6 SCOTUS, and half of the GOP???????
3 months ago
Babe what pokemon am i saving for you
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
:-o machops, uh
3 months ago
silverwolfcc Because Biden doesn't want kingly powers, and so won't use these newly appointed powers that may cause further strife.
3 months ago
I'm not saying I agree with his choice but...
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
He needs to do something I mean I'm not even worried about Trump being president, but I am NOT okay with "I won't do anything so that you vote me in because I'm not a criminal." That's very inadequate
3 months ago
3 months ago
I mean... If I were in Biden's shoes, I'd probably be tempted to go after all of Maga, then have Congress put in a new supreme court, repeal a bunch of this shit, and then have them find me guilty and lock me up to set an example. This is why I shouldn't be president, because I'm too martyrdom.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
is it theft if you're stealing shit back from the people who've been stealing from you for years
3 months ago
(yes of course it is, it's a question of justifiability, not the nature of the act, but you get the idea)
3 months ago
on the contrary, please start putting giant tits under my country's flag, then I might have incentive to get one
3 months ago
One 4th of July one year she lived with me, CC/the wife wore a shirt and pants printed in the american flag. It was pretty great (but apparently blasphemy)
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Okay so there's a huge argument about that but as I kepe telling people
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
They mean a literal flag
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Not just the design
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Not that Trumpists give a shit about the nuance and do literally desecrate it, putting flags on the ground, using them as weapons, and putting Trump's name on it
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
"Fuck the King, but also can we have our own please?" yeah right?
3 months ago
3 months ago
"It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like" seems contrary to that, since I'm not sure what it means to embroider an actual literal intact flag on a cushion or handkerchief
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I mean embroidered is like doing the gator thing on shirts, but also that's because handkerchiefs and cushions are used to blow your nose and sit on
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I'm not big on the idea of underwear for flag print because yeah the idea is not to sit on it and show disrespect, but shirts/pants/bikinis are not IMO disrespectful
3 months ago
Women wearing a bikini in their country's flag is a national pasttime
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
https://images.plurk.com/5tnvVrjgGso7C2UmHhsMLh.jpg Aussie waifu
3 months ago
Halo and The Catholic Church with @TheMartyODonnellI'm not sure i want to watch this
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I don't wanna
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Damn it!
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I knew ut
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I fucking knew ut
3 months ago
3 months ago
3 months ago
I swear to God, if Trump actually manages to become president, they better lock me up. Because I may commit homicide and/or suicide.
3 months ago
I'm just... so... fucking... angry.
3 months ago
It's Joooeeever
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
No but
3 months ago
what is the signal?
3 months ago
It wasn't exactly a quiet signal, it was basically that she should keep delaying
3 months ago
oh okay it's just analysis of the immunity thing
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
And saying that Jack Smith is illegitimate
3 months ago
...wasn't that just Thomas's crackpot concurring opinion tho?
3 months ago
again he could declare that vanilla pudding is unconstitutional if he wants to and it doesn't make it a supreme court ruling, just further evidence that he's out of his gourd
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Yes but it's a literal signal to Canon
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
That she can do her crazy jumped up nonsense and they have her back
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
That sounds meaner than I mean it
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I'm hallucinating from allergens ignore my tone/words please
3 months ago
no worries there
3 months ago
I definitely don't mean to say it doesn't matter or anything, just, there are definitely people who are taking it and running to "the most extreme possible future interpretation of the most extreme 5% of what was said is what is literally happening right now!!!" doomscreaming
3 months ago
which isn't what actually happened and isn't great for anyone's mental health or ability to actually engage with any of this
3 months ago
and the way journalists make everything a clickbait title doesn't help
3 months ago
like... there's a huge difference between discussing implications of the immunity thing that we've already been discussing, and saying that there's some new signal which could be just about anything and might be a way bigger problem than "we support procrastination"
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
agreed but I don't think it's clickbait when they've both (Canon & SCOTUS) proven themselves to be demonstrably worse than expectations.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
I mean we've known they all committed perjury at their confirmation hearings for years now, that sounds exactly as expected
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
Is it really that blatant?
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
which? the king thing? yes
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
holy fuck
3 months ago
Reagan Conservative (@_Reaganite_) on XI'm browsing twitter to try to escape. I just want to see tiddies, man. Why is it all political
3 months ago
Marx would point out that even tiddies are political
3 months ago
Marx can stuff it
3 months ago
what if Marx is a hot waifu and cannot stuff it because her politiddies are too big
3 months ago
She can stuff it between her politiddies
3 months ago
not on stream
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
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