any other name
3 days ago
oh i feel. Bad. Work today is going to suck.
latest #35
any other name
3 days ago
I uh. I might have to wear sunglasses all day. Look forward to explaining THAT to customers
any other name
3 days ago
This is. This is a bad one
any other name
3 days ago
Oh and there’s the nausea
any other name
3 days ago
It’s stone dead at work and I wanna tag so bad but I’m just staring at the tags I need to respond to and my brain goes [loading symbol]
any other name
3 days ago
I should’ve taken sumatriptan when I woke up at eight before I went back to sleep
any other name
3 days ago
Had one customer so far and she did not question the sunglasses
any other name
3 days ago
I want to turn the lights off in the store so bad
any other name
3 days ago
Customers are very sympathetic and my associate tried to tell me I should call someone else in and go home
any other name
3 days ago
Four more hours
any other name
3 days ago
It is slow as shit, presumably because it’s boiling hot and about to storm
any other name
3 days ago
Crowley just got kissed I want to tag back SO bad but there are no thoughts in here
any other name
3 days ago
I’m just like rereading threads
any other name
3 days ago
I have been picking at this tag one sentence at a time for over an hour
any other name
3 days ago
This is NOT how I normally write
any other name
3 days ago
Two and a half more hours until I can go home
any other name
3 days ago
Did legit just spend 22 minutes gossiping on the phone with the ASM of a sister store
any other name
3 days ago
He’s leeeeeaving
any other name
3 days ago
He’s gonna go work for a big box apparently he likes them better than boutique
any other name
3 days ago
Two hours later I am satisfied enough with that tag to post it
any other name
3 days ago
I wanna lie down on the floor soooooo bad but I am resisting
any other name
2 days ago
Oh no A-Xiang tag return now I owe three... really wanted to touch those today rip
any other name
2 days ago
lol I can feel my skin dissolving in the crease of my thigh ow
any other name
2 days ago
I should not be powering through to do my video game dailies but. I want my dailies. and thne I will meds and go tthe fuck to sleep
any other name
2 days ago
okay I used up my waveplates and my trailblaze power and ate a salami and cheese sandwich so I've even had dinner and took a shower to stave off further skin dissolution. time to take many many pills and go to sleep
any other name
2 days ago
Went to sleep woke up two hours later still in pain took another sumatriptan and now I have been failing to get back to sleep for two hours
any other name
2 days ago
I’m so nauseous
any other name
2 days ago
Skulking resentfully in bed drinking ginger ale
any other name
2 days ago
I’m still deathmurder photosensitive so I did not enjoy opening the fridge to get the can
any other name
2 days ago
Honestly even the nightlight in the bathroom was unpleasant
any other name
2 days ago
Also I desperately want to write either tags or fic but my brain is whole ass nonfunctional
any other name
2 days ago
I have got to call the hospital tomorrow about that neurology referral
any other name
2 days ago
I cannot just like lose two days of my life every time there’s a storm I live in ARKANSAS
any other name
2 days ago
My stomach is still questionable but my head almost feels normal
any other name
2 days ago
Oh thank god I feel regular
any other name
2 days ago
…my boss says I should have called someone in and gone home if my migraine was that bad
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