→ plot with me for July;
latest #44
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
So I think tomorrow I'll put up that network post of him talking about creating an anthology of stories about the 800 year au. I think that's all I have for him for July right now; I'll prob have him do quests since he's in Step Up And Be Serious mode.

He'll also be visiting Kyle in jail and he'll be Big Salty about it all.
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
Probably about midway through July I'll have him do another round of offering anti-possession tats and maybe do a few select log threads about that — I know I already promised a 3way thread for Steve and Clarisse on that
Also NTS I think I have to hit up the mods for an NPC interaction, I gotta have Jay remind me what they said to his engagement post
following up on the prisoners o the flesh stuff
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
but if yall want anything specific outside of those please gimme some deets!

shit yeah the last tattoo log was just about 2 years ago
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
studly boops
5 days ago
I gotta get back to you and tie up our current stuff, but I'm sitting here waiting to see what the event wrap-up is like so I can find a way to pester Dean about it.
lmao i cannot wait
they're set up for Phase 2
how many phases are there, we don't know, but at least 2
studly boops
5 days ago
I don't know which phase beer and cars in the horizon is, but it's coming. oh lord it's coming.
It Is Coming
studly boops
5 days ago
and while he doesn't technically need an anti-possession tat, it is not lost on him that sometimes his normal abilities don't work here
studly boops
5 days ago
so maybe that some time
that would be SO GOOD
studly boops
5 days ago
do it on his back so dean can be like "you want me to do wings back here while I'm at it so people know you're a dickhole angel?"
i'm sorry i failed so hard on tagging jack, river DEFINITELY would've wanted to check in with him after the god AU with their awakening + sabine disappearing
can we handwave something and then maybe try again next month weeps
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
ragemarshmallow: IT'S ALL GOOD MY GUY no pressure at all but I will happily embrace u in my inbox whenever the mood strikes u
the mood strikes and the brain energy goes lol nah
I feel that deeply
but!!! network post about the god AU sounds v fun and/or maybe they can chat about the sitch with yennefer and kyle
extremely very Yes, he has a lot of Feelings about it
so does river they can about it together
a perfect summary of his mood in 2 emotes tbh
we should... actually do this billiards log that will be less dumb than the network exchange
detectivefiction: HELL YEAH I'm down for that!
if anyone in thorne wants to do anything with the castle bombing with jack, gimme a shout!!
i wouldn't mind him protecting somebody when that shit pops off
give him an opportunity to show that he's slightly badass in a crisis sometimes
let kyle know what's going on upstairs whys the foundation shaking
u want an inboxening for it, or a jail visit about it, or a handwave about it
wat u vibin
actually i will have kyle inbox him
climbs on ur face
love that network idea for jack btw
I will give u many stuff
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