Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Ruining me for other writing you jerk kopperhed
latest #39
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Food?" The Skitkin squeaked, as they looked up at the Bntumin.. The squeak was all it could currently manage, having exhausted themselves spinning in endless circles.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Fuck he's so cute (rofl)
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Booth seats were a kind of red material, either real or synthetic animal hide (he wouldn't be surprised if brutish humans still used leather in their space-faring age).
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I like that comment lol
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
All of these things took getting used to, though Bud had long found himself attracted to humans and their strange customs. Their 'music,' however, was a different story: whatever the grating noise was that came out of that curved box near the end of the diner he would never get used to and wrote it off as an acquired taste.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Bud side-eyed Earl with his two right eyes as the little mantid in their tattered little coat pored over the menu. The Bntumin suspected the Skitkin, one of those kinds with chitinous outer shells and no tactile sensation, merely wore one due to their excitability and urge to fit in.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Super cute
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Bud had seen tougher humans, but none that carried themselves with more assurance or matter-of-fact confidence (or one willing to wear a checkered apron).
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
"For the thousandth time I told you to cut that out," Jim raised his voice and yet managed not to yell. "Stop slamming them open and watch where you're going. Someone's going to get bowled over and that someone will be me."
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
A jerk in beating wings and stiffening antenna suggested telling Agnis anything of the sort was not a pleasurable aspect for them.
"Yeah I know, consider it your door-slamming punishment. Now do that thing!"
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
-- side note do you want to change "Now do that thing!" to "Hop to it!" he barked, some of his military past leaking through.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
and soon after they had departed discovered the galaxy's first unrecorded intelligent hitchhikers.
Or mostly intelligent, anyways.
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
"They're trying to keep a tight lid on it, those Glimmerites. Authoritarianism tends to rely on propaganda no matter what species you are. Even then, I have my ways: good food is a language and I speak it well."
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Bud looked back from Earl to Howard with a twinkle in his four eyes. "Don't be fooled, number crunching is the only thing my partner likes more than crunching food. It's why I keep them around." lol
3 months ago
"Now do that thing" or "aye sir, I'll do that thing" is something i picked up from Safehold. It sounds appropriately roughneck and military. I think it fits Jim
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
3 months ago
Unless you think it's silly
3 months ago
Thank you for editing more of my book
3 months ago
It cheered me up
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
admittedly I don't personally like it. It's too vague for orders but I'm reluctant to tell you to change something you liked, just consider it
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
;-) sorry it took me forever, you know how my health's been. I'm still suffering BUUUUUT I do think I've gotten the CFIDS cure more nailed, (prebiotics anyway, Moosey thinks the straight up cure-cure will be injections WHICH IS SO FUNNY For the anti-vaccine lunatics)
3 months ago
It isn't orders in of itself, more like for emphasis
3 months ago
Here's to waiting for the next one. Decide if you want some smaller reward for this smaller chapter or combine it for something bigger later
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
o7 Part of me is just "YOU ALREADY REWARDED ME and I just miss you" the other part of me is Nabiki and the Steam sale is going on and I want to get more books THAT I CAN'T EVEN READ FOR HEALTH or adventure to places (which again health though lol)
3 months ago
I will help you with the steam sale if it somehow (safely) manages to get more of my book edited
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Okay I will try to do another chapter today IF the migraine doesn't get bad -- we're supposed to get FEROCIOUS electrical storms so I'm nervous
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
double whammy solar electrical storm (LOL)
3 months ago
Ok, I'll take it. Look at Steam and see what you want. Maybe keep an eye open for games we can both play
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
I still want to play PalWorld with you! (and Raft etc.)
3 months ago
So do i
Pumpqueen Fall
3 months ago
Save 50% on Barotrauma on Steam-- okay this is co-op but if it's too much (since one for you too!) then stick a pin in it and I will also try to do enough to earn it (LOL)
3 months ago
That's fine, if that's what you want
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