→ just a little fyi status update on weekly groupwatches, which of course remain open to anybody who would like to jump in
latest #20
tomorrow we'll be finishing up Scavengers Reign, and then beginning next monday, Ami's going to start streaming a show called The Terror which sounds absolutely fantastic frankly
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
she'll probably only be doing 1-2 eps every monday but the season is only 10 episodes so it's not that many anyway
as she describes it, it's "survival horror but as a petty office drama"
5 days ago @Edit 5 days ago
anyway feel free to jump in, we'll also be doing tag parties in voice on the 5th, and multiplayer minecraft is still going strong & open to new folks.
The terror is sooo good
i had never heard of it
Haunted Boobs
5 days ago
Oh the Terror is so good and I usually don't like when they take an actual real life tragedy and slap the supernatural on.
5 days ago
lmk when u guys are ready to start into the badlands as well
Haunted Boobs
5 days ago
(Though that is something to be aware of, I know some folks prefer that kind of horror to be pure fiction.)
5 days ago
I'll prob cancel AMC until we go
discontinued: hell yeah do you wanna take the aux after The Terror and take over streaming then?
5 days ago
fuck yeah, rad
5 days ago
Omg ping me for into the badlands
finger guns
will do
5 days ago
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