4 weeks ago
does your character find mine intimidating and/or are they insane?
latest #66
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
Adaine would forever deny it, but yeah
saber ☆
4 weeks ago
c-ta found everything in edelgard intimidating
4 weeks ago
she started a continental war
4 weeks ago
this is actually about both aelwyn and edelgard. although i don't think that's the thing either adaine or c-ta found intimidating about them
4 weeks ago
edelgard is just generally a very intimidating person, it's part of why she's so lonely.
4 weeks ago
and aelwyn just... yeah.
sansa absolutely does but like... a 4
re: dami
4 weeks ago
he's very dangerous he should be a 10
he's like half her height
4 weeks ago
damian is a funny mix because he simultaneously wants to be respected and taken seriously and feared as a genuine threat but then when he's on teams that do that, they tend to be very intimidated by him and make no effort to understand him, so it makes him very lonely.
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
honestly I think what Adaine finds the most intimidating about Aelwyn is how easily she fits into social situations. like. how do you become popular??? Adaine has like 7 friends and she's lucky to have those
4 weeks ago
it's funny too bc like. aelwyn seems like, particularly to adaine, someone who has a lot of friends and a lot of people that like her when she actually doesn't at all.
4 weeks ago
"I visited Penelope Everpetal's grave. Told her she was a horrid bitch and that I missed her."
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
yeah like really it's mostly an act to get what Aelwyn wants/accomplish her goals, but it still seems unattainable to Adaine
4 weeks ago
early on with adaine i think there's this sentiment she has towards aelwyn and people like aelwyn where she can't really compute that their facades don't neccessarily match the reality. like fabian and adaine's relationship early on is a good example of that. fabian declares loudly how fortunate and happy he is and adaine takes that fully at face value
4 weeks ago
and kind of resents him for it. same with aelwyn and her everpresent facade of confidence and social grace that seems to come naturally to her. it takes some extreme showcases for adaine to really recognize that both of these are acts.
the groke
4 weeks ago
Natsuno thinks amy is terrifying and would honestly take his chances with the man eating mermaids instead of making physical contact with her again
4 weeks ago
he's correct
the groke
4 weeks ago
awful experience would not recommend
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
yeah that's a great point. like Adaine really struggled with understanding the concept that people wear masks in front of society
4 weeks ago
even in junior year she's like
4 weeks ago
well riz likes being called the ball!
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
"someone said a thing, that means they 100% mean it with their whole heart"
4 weeks ago
and the way that oisin acted nice to get her to lower her guard...
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
meanwhile, Adaine isn't quite intimidated by Amy, but she does find her intriguing
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
god, I have so many feelings about the Oisin storyline
4 weeks ago
i wish there was more of it
chris 🌥️
4 weeks ago
if I felt capable of writing fic, I would definitely take a crack at that whole mess
4 weeks ago
i have written some fantasy high fic but i fell out of the habit
the groke
4 weeks ago
u know i think natsuno would actually handle better a desolation avatar doing her avatar things than amy
senku does not find damian intimidating precisely but he is not like, what one might call fully normal and hinged
he’s had like 5 attempts on his life in less than three years too so damian is like. restrained in comparison JFJSJNFG
so he’s more like “yeah he could kill me but he probably won’t”
4 weeks ago
rational and smart
4 weeks ago
personal safety is completely irrelevant in terms of people damian is intimidated by
4 weeks ago
he is most intimidated by his dad, shortly followed by tim, and then his grandfather. he could fight superman
Yon Fellow
4 weeks ago
No, she respected him and found him infuriating in equal measures
nope. damian is a little baby and amy is.. not Intimidating even if damian will be keeping a closer eye on her based on the power she admitted to having
4 weeks ago
damian found azula difficult but otherwise respected her. he wasn't ever actually intimidated. a very small part of him pitied her lmao.
4 weeks ago
he's a bratty baby but a baby
4 weeks ago
This is how frisk sees chara
They cannot change this
4 weeks ago
She called him Professor Rat to his face
4 weeks ago
one day he will rule the world
4 weeks ago
then you'll be sorry
4 weeks ago
luminously: hubris (it's true)
absolutely yes LOL
a socially adept older teen girl who's really good at finding people's insecurities and bullying them. truly more terrifying than any of the actual evil shit.
4 weeks ago
wisdombitch: technically she's in her twenties now
one day damian will rule the world and jason will aggressively ruffle his hair and call him a little baby
cult classic
4 weeks ago
not intimidating at all but he's impressed this 12-year-old is so articulate
cult classic
4 weeks ago
like damn
4 weeks ago
this twelve year old is the only person on club penguin to have taken a life
cult classic
4 weeks ago
cult classic
4 weeks ago
cult classic
4 weeks ago
but the real question of his badassery
cult classic
4 weeks ago
does he have a girlfriend in club penguin
4 weeks ago
yeah she's an emo, a kpop stan, a crime lord, and a serial killer.
cult classic
4 weeks ago
cult classic
4 weeks ago
tbh kpop stan is the one he should be the most scared of
cult classic
4 weeks ago
those sttans are crazy
4 weeks ago
cult classic
4 weeks ago
cult classic
4 weeks ago
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