any other name
3 days ago
giving up and finally using the workspaces feature of vivaldi so I can organze my rp tabs better...
latest #8
any other name
3 days ago
I just. I need more tab groups instead of having a billion things per group. and then I can label the groups. but that requires they not be in with every other tab in the universe
any other name
3 days ago
and I don't want a Third browser window
any other name
3 days ago
though if there weren't workspaces I would've gone for that
any other name
3 days ago
(the two extant browser windows go on different monitors, there's a purpose for them, two on the same monitor would be annoying)
any other name
3 days ago I might need to separate out the pluvi and magisteria ones more so I can FIND ANYTHING in them but. a good start
any other name
3 days ago
I was dying trying to find things in the bakerstreet one I closed a million things too. robin and scar can move out into their own little homes and then I can FIND them
any other name
3 days ago
I am. so bad about just. opening things in new tabs
any other name
3 days ago
I think I had three different tabs of the same pluvi thread. rose why
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