Crime Gé
6 days ago
OK so health stuff is somewhat calming down now at least insofar as we're in the 'wait and see' era so I'll be getting back to Fjord and Quill tags this week finally 8DDD
latest #26
Crime Gé
6 days ago
if anyone wants to handwave old stuff let me know, otherwise I'mma just go down the list and return all my Owed Tags and then see about plotting new stuff
Crime Gé
6 days ago
apologies to all for vanishing but yeah stuff got Busy XDDD
6 days ago @Edit 6 days ago
I'm glad if you're feeling better!
6 days ago
also the fjord thread might be at a good place to handwave, I think the quill one would be fun to continue
Crime Gé
6 days ago
badgirlcoven lol oh no it's not about feeling better we're now in the 'gotta get all the tests and wait on results' time XD
BUT YEAH we can wrap the Fjord one that seems like a good brief lil intro convo and Quill and Zanth can continue on
Crime Gé
6 days ago
fontech I'm deffo hitting the memory share
Crime Gé
6 days ago
Fjord gonna get all up and indignant on Cad's behalf
aww buddy
it'll be my turn to be slow lmao but we backtag forever anyway
6 days ago
ahhhh sorry to hear that I'm very familiar with the waiting game
Crime Gé
6 days ago
fontech He has no family of his own but has distinct Thoughts on how a good family Should Be and so far Cad seems like he should have a Good Family so FJORD HAS OPINIONS
he does have a good family! things were just real bad for like a decade
Crime Gé
6 days ago
But they left the soft cleric alone
but then he met his second family
Crime Gé
6 days ago
OK this is good but also
Crime Gé
6 days ago
no leaving soft cowman alone
Crime Gé
6 days ago
he is clearly not meant for solitude
he really, really isnt tho
Crime Gé
6 days ago
/which just encourages Fjord to come around and bother him more
Crime Gé
6 days ago
which means he has to come up with more excuses
Crime Gé
6 days ago
like hey he found this plant he thinks Cad would like
Crime Gé
6 days ago
come check out this spot in the woods he found
Crime Gé
6 days ago
etc etc
be his funky little neighbourhood gremlin kid who brings him weird shit
Crime Gé
5 days ago
Obnoxious Little Brother Mode Engage
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