7 months ago
the funny not funny thing about PBR textures is that with the move to lower contrast shadows with CalWL may not even be able to see the PBR other than straight up mirrors.
latest #23
7 months ago
That just made my head hurt
Gogo ♔
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
Basically most people can’t see PbR cos they use a flat Windlight without direct sun
7 months ago
i set some things out with PBR and non texture options last night- the region EEP is such that you can't really tell the difference! which has been typical for most events so i just haven't been bothering most of the time.
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
not that i DO texture that way, but PBR is meant to be textured without shadows or any light shading, it's all supposed to be picked up by the environment. too much ambient means it ain't there to pick up, aka why we have been still baking shadows in once even just shadows were added
Tillor Swift
7 months ago
why is this what LL chose to focus on?
7 months ago
TillHapmouche: performance SORT OF. the file system's more efficient so it might get around the people using too many huge textures (except now with even more huge: 2048 is supported). industry standard blah blah. the format's got some other neat things they can bring in as they choose to, this is almost just the metal part. there are other things they
potato boyo
7 months ago
What is it like for a new person to come to SL today?
potato boyo
7 months ago
Is there a certification course?
7 months ago
can open it up to once they are using the format (pbr textures are in a "material" package that serves it all at once....more, as well as having potential they can add. lots of games just stop at metal though anyway). it opens up some possibilities for rigging when/if they add it
7 months ago
If I’m using EEPs does that make a difference?
7 months ago
boyo: there should be? you can mostly get away with safely ignoring it unless you want to figure out how to make things to the tech side. the bar's a little higher if you care about that, but you don't have to, you can still live your best flexi life on mainland and you'll just notice that you can no longer have your web browser open too
7 months ago @Edit 7 months ago
Gidge: PBR is RADICALLY dependent on the EEP you are using. it's all environment and light based, so the more "neutral" the EEP, the "less" PBR you'll see. contrasty EEPs make for dynamic textures. non contrasty EEPs make for...minimal textures reacting to environment.
7 months ago
contrasty EEPs also make for harsh as fuck face shadows, which is why we have always had the issue with SL lighting not pulling its weight.
potato boyo
7 months ago
When I came back in... 2015?? idk exactly. it was overwhelming. I had experts help onboarding, they struggled with explaining things and it was a frustrating and headache inducing experience then.
7 months ago
the viewer is just as much of a headache. walking across a damn room and opening your inventory still requires developing the muscle memory to make EVERYTHING not be a struggle, as they've never really cracked the UI
7 months ago
CalWL has always hurt my eyes, so I won't be sad to see it somehow go the way of sculpted collars.
7 months ago
mmccann: onsu has made a new version of it for the new era. i do tend to tone down the harsh shadows some because they are too much, but i never liked that one. it's kind of funny that we got shadows and then...proceeded to try to make it look like we didn't.
7 months ago
Allegory: Ya, I didn't get it. It washed everything out and seriously hurt my eyes. There were times I had to leave regions over it.
7 months ago
Allegory if you want to update the region EEP on nouveau, go ahead (and let me know if you need additional permissions or whatever) - i'm almost totally out of the loop in SL these days
7 months ago
haven't even updated to PBR yet, maybe i'll do it today
7 months ago
jackalennui: have already in a very minor way. new clouds, new moon, slightly tweaked light. i'm still not really sure what one SHOULD do for an environment, i won't go as harsh as "correct" just like i wouldn't before.
7 months ago
awesome, thank you for taking care of the sim <3
7 months ago
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